I had aggression issues with my Willie boy and I worked very successfully with a breeder. He wasn't allowed on the furniture for a long time and now only with an invitation. I forget the term she used, but he had to ask for everything, even a pat. In other words, he had to sit before he got a pat, a treat, any kind of attention. He had to submit first. He has to sit and stay for his supper and does not go to it until I say okay. We had to make ourselves a resource to him. My children were older when this started to happen so it was easier to work with them and him, but I noticed that as long as he could scare them, he would pick on them. When they learned not to back off, but to assert themselves quietly, he would back down. This is tough to do with a 3 year old, especially because you have to worry about the level of the child's face to the dog.
I guess what I'm saying is that it can definately be done, but I think a behaviorist would be of great help - not a trainer, but a behaviorist. It saved our boy.
Good luck!
By the way, my basenji girl lets out a short bark when she's very excited. It's a funny little sound!