I do need to come up with something a bit more comfortable for him and was thinking as he gets his balance better maybe he can go in a buddy seat behind me. We will see but for now he is still okay up in front. As he is only 5 months he still can't walk along for very long but that will also come as he gets older.
In regards to desensitizing my horses. All I can say that it is many miles of riding, wet saddle blankets and making sure that every scary monster or obstacle that you come across is introduced and explored. Also, having their trust and being the leader makes a big difference as they are accepting of anything that you ask. Dakota is especially accepting and I call him my "Star Trek Horse" as he bodly goes where no horse has gone before. He accepts any kind of vehicle, heavy logging equipment, chain saws, blowers, musical bands, all animals, sirens, lights, helicopters, parachutists and even had a remote control plane flying over our heads once. He is quite special. My other horses are pretty much the same but like to stop, look and assess more often. My husband and I laugh because we purchased a quarter mare 9 years ago and had her shipped over from the US. She is a daughter of a 3 time world champion reining and cutting stallion. Guess what? She is scared to death of Swiss cows in the field with big bells. But, in the arena she'll work them fine for cutting and team penning work. Who would figure.
Jenga is quite cautious around the horses when on the ground which is good. It is funny how he can pick up on a "stink eye" and know where his place is.
Mirtillo loves Coca Cola..
That is so cute! I love the first pic. Mirtillo looks so much like my Baroo. Especially the spot on the back of his neck and the end of his tail. He is adorable. I can tell he will be a big strong boy. He looks very muscular already.
My dogs love plastic bottles too! They always get into the recycling and drag them all over my backyard and toss them. They are the best toys as far the are concerned! I don't know why I bother with the fancy ones!
Funny our dogs do as well. They have a great time with them!
Nice pics & video
Soo Cute…Zaire hasn't started with the soda bottles yet, but Charlie is addicted to them. He will sit on the floor in front of you while you are drinking and wait for you to be done, then he will steal the bottle right out of your hand as soon as he realizes it is empty.
It's a nice quite game on tile & wood floors!!
Jack loves to play with them too- I guess I get worried he will tear them apart and hurt himself or something, has anyone had problems with them?
Cute pictures! Sounds like I have a new (& inexpensive!) toy to introduce and see if our puppy likes them!
Gosh, I love the wrinkles! What a cutie!!
Charlie starts to shred them after about half an hour. I just keep an eye on him and take it away for a cookie when he starts to shred it. They are definatly not toys to leave with your dog when you are away.
This is a favorite "toy" in my house too I would just be careful when the cap comes off. I usually let them play with it without the cap & once they've chewed off a piece of plastic the toy is gone Gotta be careful that they don't eat the plastic.
Great pictures:D I adore his head;) reminds me very much of Kwame's head at that age.
Mine love them aswell though I always take the cap of just incase;)
Lenny loves plastic bottles also. its funny watching him drag a 2 liter around. sometimes i put some dog kibble in the bottle, leave the cap off, and let him work at getting it out. a good way to kill, oh, about 5 minutes…
So cute little Mirtillo with the bottles seems to be a favourite pastime of basenjis to play with cokebottles the bigger the better:D
He loves the bottles. It is funny to watch him trying to get the bottle in the middle.. that's so not working..
Good idea to put some kibble in it..
Dallas always goes after our water/coke bottles as well. I always give them to him since they are a pretty economical dog toy
He's one determined pup, it's so cute watching him try to get his whole mouth around the bottle!!! Mine have never played with bottles.