I've just spent the evening trying to catch up on everyone's suggestions. And I've come across some good ideas. And in response with the xpen, the reason it's not an option is because where I currently live there is just no space. Literally. I had to move in with my father and it's his home, in which case there is one area that may be used for a xpen, if it hadn't been a room full of priceless item's belonging to my dad. I did discuss this option to see if there was anywhere else we could put it, and there is not. I have contacted a couple trainers/behaviorists around the area and am awaiting their response. I will be getting her a new crate this week and plan on moving it to a more desirable area for her. She is potty trained however, leaving her out even if she's in my room, she has been having accidents for some reason, even if she's in there for a short time. What do you give a dog for toys, when she really doesn't touch them to begin with, and doesn't want anything to do with them while she's crated? I've tried peanut butter or cheese when I leave the house to distract her as she likes those, and it seems to help for short periods but then she gets distressed again. Hopefully I can put a structured plan together to make this work for her. I know when I'm able to move into a place that is my own, I would then try the xpen, just right now, it's not an option for me. I'm trying to work around a very stubborn dad, and my b can be very stubborn herself.