Mixes are so hard to tell, one mixing of the same mix of dogs(say basenji/fox terrier) can give you different looking dogs to another litter mix of the same type of dogs, sometimes characteristics of one dog comes out more than the other. At the dog park people have the same mix but they look quite different, then if one dog is a mix itself it gets even harder. I just think mixes are so interesting and think it would be interesting to find out through the DNA test they have. I suppose in some cases it leads to better understanding of your dog and it's needs. She is a nice looking dog and special whatever she is. I have yet to get a yodel just for me, even the cats have gotten one so you are lucky if she gives them freely.
Meet our new puppy!
yeah i have the same problem..
sometimes i just think rockys being too rough.. but my Mia always runs right back.. so i guess its okay lol im just scared cuz shes so tiny! im sure you agree -
yeah i have the same problem..
sometimes i just think rockys being too rough.. but my Mia always runs right back.. so i guess its okay lol im just scared cuz shes so tiny! im sure you agreeAgain… don't freak out... ..... she may be tiny in your eyes.. to him she is a "monster".. and he is going to teach her the ropes... especially where those teeth are concerned.
Very cute….have fun!!:)
What cheese was yours named after?
Ours was named Monterey Jack :p We actually entertained the idea of leaving it & calling him Monty but whenever I hear that I think of like a fat old man smoking a cigar! Haha. Not exactly the imagine of my puppy huh? lol So we stuck with our first name of Dallas, which we got because we're both HUGE Dallas Cowboys fans
He's getting better in his crate but he still whines when we're not in view of him & he's in the crate. Hopefully I can break him of that this weekend since when I go back to work on Monday I'd hate fr him to whine all darn day! He's already getting great at going potty outside. No accidents (knock on wood) since yesterday morning (which I blame on Mark for not leaving him out until he did his business!).
He loves to chew on the carpet though…it's like an area rug & I would move it but...thne if I put it back he'd probably just start doing it again! He doesn't get what "no" means yet so I have to say no & remove him from the rug like 30 times!!! Haha. He's pretty darn persistant!
I can't wait to see pics Michelle!
When you remove him from the carpet what do you give him to redirect him?
Very cute puppy!!!
No accidents (knock on wood) since yesterday morning (which I blame on Mark for not leaving him out until he did his business!).
yes always blame it on the man lol…I do! The carpet...well mia loves the carpet, no matter how much I douse it with Bitter yuck she still goes for it, so now I have packing tape holding the edges down until my dad can install something more permanent, hopefully Nike doesn't learn that bad habit from her. When I 1st got Mia we were in a tiled house and my parents had a area rug, and she would pee on it chew it, etc, so we took it out and just put it back when she was about 6 months old and she never touched it after that. They have been playing so well today I'm truly amazed, I'll post pics soon
When you remove him from the carpet what do you give him to redirect him?
I try giving him one of his toys but he pays no attention to the toy & heads right for the carpet again. I bought some bitter apple spray today but it's a large area rug so I imagine that would not be very effective! Haha.
When I 1st got Mia we were in a tiled house and my parents had a area rug, and she would pee on it chew it, etc, so we took it out and just put it back when she was about 6 months old and she never touched it after that.
It is an area rug so maybe I could remove it for a little while. The rest of our house is tiled (minus the bedroom which he doesn't go in except in his crate to sleep at night). He doesn't do it all the time just occasinonally when he thinks I'm not paying attention. It's a shag-type rug so it isn't really harming the rug right now but I would prefer to break the habit so he doesn't think it's always going to be okay to chew on carpet.
My Jamari carried around area rugs regardless of his age… he was born here and loved those rugs..ggg... Nothing like a 4 wk pup trying to carry around and chew on a throw rug that was 10x's bigger then he was.... I was forever looking for it and putting it back... and honestly, every litter I had did that, but never chewed on the wall to wall carpet... Seems throw rugs are just a magnet for Basenjis...gggg
adorable I love B puppies