• You have to find a way to not be scared of him. If he thinks he can control you using his mouth, he will. I would suggest finding a good training class that uses positive reinforcment training, and learn how to get him to do what you want without using physical force.

    To get him outside, you may need to keep a leash on him when it is raining, and use it to help get him outside. Once he realizes he must go, and there is no option, he may be less likely to bite you to get his way.

    Try not to look at as 'should I trust him?', instead, look at it as "how can I keep this from happening again, and still get him to do what I want"….he is a dog, and dogs bite to get their way sometimes, or to get out of a situation they don't like. You have to make it so that he doesn't get what he wants by biting.

    Good luck,

  • Most Basenjis hate the rain, can't get around that.

    A couple of options - ours will go out if they go on lead, but will argue and try to refuse if we expect them to just go out on their own. Umbrellas do work for some, but he might be afraid of the umbrella unless he's had some experience with it. You also might want to try to train him to use a doggie litter box - ours will use that in preference to going out in that awful wet stuff which might melt them or worse!

    I agree with Andrea that you need to work on positive training and finding ways to not let him scare you. It's no fun to have a dog you're frightened of!


  • One of the first things you learn about basenjis: they HATE rain. It may have something to do with it getting in their ears, which stick straight up and are sort of natural funnels! Mine won't go out if she's heard rain is in the forecast. About the biting: I had a terrible time with Abbey and biting. Hated teeth marks on my hands and the stinging. My daughter in law suggested doing what the mother dog does when the pups get too nippy: take hold of their snout and hold a few seconds. You say NO BITE!! They get the message quickly and you're not hurting them or restricting their breathing because you're only doing it a few seconds. Abbey eventually stopped biting and I even taught her NO BITE–KISS and when she's tempted to nip she'll stop and give me a little lick on the hand instead.

  • @Lenora:

    . My daughter in law suggested doing what the mother dog does when the pups get too nippy: take hold of their snout and hold a few seconds. You say NO BITE!! They get the message quickly and you're not hurting them or restricting their breathing because you're only doing it a few seconds. Abbey eventually stopped biting and I even taught her NO BITE–KISS and when she's tempted to nip she'll stop and give me a little lick on the hand instead.

    This is a different kind of biting. You are describing play biting. I think you be would increase the likelihood of being bitten by grabbing the muzzle of a dog who is willing to bite in anger. It will scare him, and possibly make him more aggressive. I would start off with hands off training at first with this dog…I don't like to get bitten 🙂

  • Of course it is a different kind of biting. I did not suggest grabbing the muzzle of an angry dog. I am not a dog trainer as you perhaps are, but I am an experienced dog owner. I was merely adding to the discussion.

  • @Lenora:

    Of course it is a different kind of biting. I did not suggest grabbing the muzzle of an angry dog. I am not a dog trainer as you perhaps are, but I am an experienced dog owner. I was merely adding to the discussion.

    Sorry, I thought you were offering a suggestion to the person with the basenji that bit. My mistake…..

  • If you introduce your Basenji to water early on in pup hood is it possible for them to not have a problem with rain or even be able to enjoy swimming??

  • There are a few basenjis out there that enjoy water and swimming…but not very many. I would imagine you could condition them that they just would ignore rain, and do what they need to do...but they would probably still never LOVE it. I think for the most part it is more of a personal preference, than something you can affect as a human. Some really, really hate it...some will tolerate it.

  • I can only imagine how funny that will look trying to walk a dog with an umbrella. People are going to think that I am one of those types of people who will spend over $500.00 for a purse for your dog. Jeezzzzeee. LOL
    I guess my neighbors will get a good laugh. Thats what I love about the breed…they are so unique!

  • I hope Paris Hilton never gives up her little doggies that fit in a purse and gets a basenji. Can you imagine stuffing a squirmy basenji in a dress into a purse? Abbey has a yellow raincoat with a hood and a plaid coat for winter but that's the extent of her wardrobe. Seriously though, don't you love it when people on the street ask about your basenji? If they don't know basenjis they make all kinds of guesses. A man the other day asked me if Abbey was a Jack Russell terrier!

  • They thought your dog was a Jack Russell!!! Hahahah! You have to post a picture of Abbey in a rain coat when you have a chance. I would love to see how she looks. I went to the pet store one time and saw doggie shoes. Oah my gosh! Thats a little extreme. When I lived in upstate New York we had a dog ( lab/sheppard mix )who would get frost bitten paws. They would crack and bleed all the time. We would put neosporin all over his paws and put socks on him. It worked. I only wish I took pictures of him. Man that was a sight to see.

  • Hi Everyone
    While out walking with our Basenji "Bandit". A guy stopped me to ask us where I bought our "Dingo"…. Amazing they look nothing alike....LOL Ang

  • oh no mine is so much worse…

    When I was living in Germany, I went on the bus with Kiya and I remember seeing this lady put her hand to her mouth, wide eyed and say scared "PIT BULL!"


    I said, "Kein Pit Bull...Basenji, von Afrika!"

    GOD as if they look ANYTHING alike!!!!!!


  • Vanessa I would love to post a picture of Abbey in her raincoat but she won't cooperate. She knows it ain't raining and she ain't wearing it! She loves her little coat in cold weather though.

  • @Lenora:

    Vanessa I would love to post a picture of Abbey in her raincoat but she won't cooperate. She knows it ain't raining and she ain't wearing it! She loves her little coat in cold weather though.

    Hahahaha! I undestand. I guess we will just have to wait 🙂

  • my first Basenji was VERY nasty, bit a lot!!!! And my fault for not properly training her, she ran me. My latest and most wonderful Basenji has been trained exactly as others have told you, and he is the most wonderful boy. Try it and stick to it, and you will never be fearful of your dog.

  • @Vanessa626:

    If you introduce your Basenji to water early on in pup hood is it possible for them to not have a problem with rain or even be able to enjoy swimming??

    I have heard that. My Basenji pup is 10 months old, and ran into a lake after some deer the other day. No fear!!! i guess this may train him to like the water. My other Basenji HATED it.

  • Joey tolerates the rain. He is actually not so picky about his feet getting wet either although he avoids puddles.
    As for the dog IDing…someone at the pet store thought Joey was a Jack Russell too! They should just ask! 😃

  • Originally Posted by Vanessa626
    If you introduce your Basenji to water early on in pup hood is it possible >>for them to not have a problem with rain or even be able to enjoy >>swimming??

    We brought Jazzy home in March, in Washington. Believe me, she was introduced to rain and plenty of it! LOL She HATES rain, HATES her bath, and I don't see her ever jumping into a lake to go for a swim.

    I still have to go outside with her when it's rainy and MAKE her leave the covered porch to go potty. When she was younger, we'd both get soaked just with me chasing her back off the porch a million times before she'd finally give up and go potty! LOL She'd pretend to start out to the yard, then loop around and make a dash for the porch.
    Now, She'll go out to poo, and zip right back. For peeing, she uses my husband's covered boat shed, which is just off the covered porch. I thought that'd bug him, but since it's just pee he tolerates it. She never did try to poo there. That goes back to that pooing far from home thing. She simply won't do that too near the house.

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