Hi there from Pa
I decided to adopt a brat basenji, he will be arriving on monday. His foster is going to drive him to my house. I can't wait. I live across the road from our local school so I am going to meet him there with my girl. I am hoping fingers crossed that they will get along. Life as I know it will cease to exist in three days, oh boy!:o
I decided to adopt a brat basenji, he will be arriving on monday. His foster is going to drive him to my house. I can't wait. I live across the road from our local school so I am going to meet him there with my girl. I am hoping fingers crossed that they will get along. Life as I know it will cease to exist in three days, oh boy!:o
How fun… and yes.... life will be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have such a nervous excitement. And wouldn't you know it all week my kids have been sick with the flu bug. I said you watch I will end up with it on monday. I am so excited. We planned the meeting while every body is home. I am almost wondering if I should have done it while my kids weren't home. Then after weezie and the new dog meet pulling my kids from school a little early to meet him. I know I have to go into this with cautious optimism, he might not like my kids, weezie might not like him. That way I wouldn't get the sorrowful looks from my kids if he doesn't work out. I have been stressing to my kids (and myself) that he might not be the right dog for us. He will be the one to decide. There is also the question how will be act after his foster leaves. I know first hand that when a dog is in a strange environment they may get a little snippy. I have chosen to use umbilical with him because I wouldn't trust him around my children for awhile. If you can offer any other suggestions I am always open to hear them.
I decided to adopt a brat basenji, he will be arriving on monday. His foster is going to drive him to my house. I can't wait. I live across the road from our local school so I am going to meet him there with my girl. I am hoping fingers crossed that they will get along. Life as I know it will cease to exist in three days, oh boy!:o
True, life as you know it will cease to exist. It's amazing how much change one more dog can make. On the other hand, it's also not long before the new situation becomes your "normal" and you begin to forget what it used to be like.
Although there will surely be some parts of your new lifestyle that won't thrill you – like now, when I am trying to type and there are two Basenjis growling and wrestling by my chair, one of which keeps diving under my legs to seek sanctuary, so my wheeled chair is being bumped and moved around -- but you won't want to trade it for the world!
I can't wait. I couldn't have lucked out more, the new dogs foster is wonderful. There was some question on how he would act with my children and he has been working with the dog making sure that he would be up to the torment that my kids would be putting him through. When I asked when we could come to see him, he responded "oh, I was planning on bringing him to you. I want to make sure that he is comfortable in your home". I thought what a wonderful person, I live a good four hours from this man. When I offered to pay his way he declined stating that BRAT would pay for the whole thing. I couldn't believe it. He is bringing food for him among other things to make his transition smoother. I couldn't ask to meet a nicer person.
Thank you for the butterflies I will keep you posted!
I will post some soon. Weezy chewed my usb cable to attach my camera to my comuter, I am waiting for a new one to come in the mail. I kept finding all of these little black pieces of plastic all over the floor, it took me a few hours to figure out what it was then I found her secret hiding place (under the love seat in my childrens game room) I only found about two inches of it intact. Grrrrrr. My fault I shouldn't have left it where she could find it. Thank you for the warm welcome!
He never made it to the point of being posted. But I will post pictures of him on monday! Good luck on your fosters!
I'm bringing home two boys from BRAT monday to foster, so I feel your excitement! was your new boy posted on BRATs website?? if so whats his name?? cant wait for pictures!!
Are your fosters posted yet?
Are your fosters posted yet?
No not yet, I picked them up Monday and I'm trying to get to know them, since they are very timid at first. I hope to get them posted soon so they can find a forever home, I think they are gonna make really loving pets! They are very sweet B's.