Uh…I don't know....it sounds like a sebacious cyst, maybe? They can be up to the size of a pea...and they are full of pus-like material...kinda like a giant zit. Sometimes you can squeeze them like a zit...gross! A couple of my dogs get them in pretty predictable places.
Mine too… and I am a "picker" so they run when I start...:) but they are nothing to worry about...
I would be a little leery of putting him on pred every time he gets one. Has your vet done a needle biopsy (where they drain some of the fluid from the bump with a needle)? On Max, he had a couple of cysts removed from his paws over the years. It sounds like removing them (or draining them) might be better than the pred?
Nala hasn't had anything that large, but she get those sebacious cysts as well. They aspirate them at the vet if I can't express it on my own. They do seem to get hard when left alone.
I would be a little leery of putting him on pred every time he gets one. Has your vet done a needle biopsy (where they drain some of the fluid from the bump with a needle)? On Max, he had a couple of cysts removed from his paws over the years. It sounds like removing them (or draining them) might be better than the pred?
Yes, I called the vet to see what all we have already tried. they did a needle aspiration and looked at the fluid. there were no pathogens and nothing to worry about.
Yah, pred was fine the first 2 times, but i would rather find out what is going on. especially since this time it is hard and different size.
It is not a cyst, and I have tried to squeeze it and there is no pore or head . I guess it still could be one, but it has been 2-3 weeks and no change except for a scab. - which oc course (gross me) removed with a warm cloth and tried to squeeze again.
He doesnt itch it or shake his head. In fact, he forgets it is there until I do a check on it.
I will keep you guys updated after the vet apt tomorrow. -
I would be a little leery of putting him on pred every time he gets one. Has your vet done a needle biopsy (where they drain some of the fluid from the bump with a needle)? On Max, he had a couple of cysts removed from his paws over the years. It sounds like removing them (or draining them) might be better than the pred?
We are not going to try the pred again. I would like for them to remove it and send it off for tests.
I am just a bit scared.
*When I worked at the vet clinic part time after HS there was a cocker that came in for ear surgery and died. So ear surgery just scares me:o -
Let us know what you decide. I had Nala to a dermatologist for another matter, maybe you could try a specialist before surgery?
I know a lot of Cockers that have ear issues, so hopefully your experience was breed specific, although I know surgery is risky. ((Hugs)) to you that it all turns out okay! -
This is a web page that tells you about hematoma in a dogs ear:
http://lbah.com/ear_hematoma.htm#symptomsI work for a vet and this is what we did. We had to end up doing surgury on his ear. And he has no problems since we did the surgury 4 months ago.
Hi guys, the vet wants to hold off doing surgery and try some DMSO to see if it goes away or down in the next week. He is thinking it is a histiocytoma.
This is definitly different than the squishy hemotomas he had. I looked up the dates and it was September of last year and june/july of this year that the big squishy ones were there. I just find it odd that this one is hard and small and in the same place.
I would like him to do a biopsy of the tissue. If it is a histiocytoma, they tend to go away after 3 months (so the great internet says;) ).
I called the vet this am and let him know that there was no big change (then again, its only Monday) and wants me to call again if there is change or on Friday. -
Hi guys, the vet wants to hold off doing surgery and try some DMSO to see if it goes away or down in the next week. He is thinking it is a histiocytoma.
This is definitly different than the squishy hemotomas he had. I looked up the dates and it was September of last year and june/july of this year that the big squishy ones were there. I just find it odd that this one is hard and small and in the same place.
I would like him to do a biopsy of the tissue. If it is a histiocytoma, they tend to go away after 3 months (so the great internet says;) ).
I called the vet this am and let him know that there was no big change (then again, its only Monday) and wants me to call again if there is change or on Friday.My Maggii who is 16+ has many of these (small, hard) and also has had the "squishy ones).. I had one removed from her ankle area many, many years ago and had it sent off, came back non-cancer… and my Mickii has had a number of them also, I have had a couple removed, some result as Maggii, so now I don't worry about them at all.... Oh and by the way, these never go away, so I am not so sure that I believe what you are reading on the internet.....
That sounds like a good plan. It's great that you can trust your vet not to rush into things. So often, you hear of the opposite. Let us know how it goes…
My Maggii who is 16+ has many of these (small, hard) and also has had the "squishy ones).. I had one removed from her ankle area many, many years ago and had it sent off, came back non-cancer… and my Mickii has had a number of them also, I have had a couple removed, some result as Maggii, so now I don't worry about them at all.... Oh and by the way, these never go away, so I am not so sure that I believe what you are reading on the internet.....
That is great news to hear that they were non-cancer!
I am still going to follow they vets plans, but you have really releaved me a bit of my worry:)
I just googled "canine histiocytoma" and read a few articles and looked at pictures.
We are going back to the vet for another check on Friday.Our "old man" yorkie got little tumors all over toward the end of his life (14-16) and we would put some dmso on them and they would disappear. He ws much too old to have another surgery where he would have been put out, which he would have to remove all of them he had. He also had spleen removal surgery when he was 14 (cancer) and went on to live 2 more (happy) years until he waited for us to leave the home all together and then he went and laid on his pillow and slept forever.
Squiggy is only 5 and I hope he is not going to have tumor problems, but I will love him the same if he does.
Thanks again for the encouragement, I will keep it updated on here. And try and get a picture up. –-just because he is so darn cute:p
Ok, got some pictures…
He really does not scratch at it. It did get a little scab on it, which may have been from a scratch or playing rough with his B brother. It does not bother him, except for he does not like me to touch it- more like it is annoying than hurting. The vet removed the scab to see if it would "open" but it didnt.
I have an ointment that I have to put on 2x a day (since friday), so I think it keeps the scab moist and it comes off once an awhile.
We are going today at 11 for a 2nd opinion with another vet at the clinic. It has gotten about 2-3x the size when it should have been shrinking.
I dont want to have to do surgery. But if I do, there is another delimma:1. do I stick with the vet's office I have gone to forever, the one I use to work for, the one I can call either the vet or the techs and they will meet me anytime. My friends. But they dont have a lazer. They give it to me straight and dont try and run up the bill, even give me a bit of a break sometimes. –todays visit will probably be free. * Not that money is the issue, but I like to pay less if I can, like anyone.
2. do I go to the vet accross town and have it lazered off? They seem nice enough, but I dont use them. I have reccomended them to people for declaws (which I AM against) but if people are going to do it, laser is the way to go. And the people have been happy with the care the cat recieves there.
When Max had a cyst removed from his paw (on one of the pads), his vet and I talked about the pros and cons of laser vs regular surgery (he does both). We actually decided to go regular–and I forget exactly why, but he thought the healing time would be less or something like that--and the surgery worked out just fine, but it does sound like yours is much bigger than I had with Max.
When Max had a cyst removed from his paw (on one of the pads), his vet and I talked about the pros and cons of laser vs regular surgery (he does both). We actually decided to go regular–and I forget exactly why, but he thought the healing time would be less or something like that--and the surgery worked out just fine, but it does sound like yours is much bigger than I had with Max.
Thanks for letting me know that you guys chose the regular surgery, even if you cant remember why :)
My vet and I talked it over and he feel confident that he can do it. I asked him straight up if I should go have it lasered and that Squiggs is my baby…
We will see, His surgery is on Tuesday and I am a nervous wreck. If it wasnt getting bigger, I would leave it alone probably. I am a nervous worrier anyway and I know I wont be able to concentrate at work on Tuesday the 2oth. Good thing I can leave through out the day.
Keep us in your thoughts :) -
…Keep us in your thoughts :)
Will do! ((Hugs)) to you both…all will be just fine! Keep us posted.