My Shadow had a long history of walking very funny-he had gotton to the point of being very miserable-doing nothing but laying around, going outside to potty only when he had to, nipping at the other dogs. It got to the point where I was seriously considering putting him down because of this. And he was only four but had deteriorated to the point where I couldn't see him in pain much longer. The vets took all kinds of tests, and x-rays but could find nothing. I don't believe in long term pain medication-it can become addictive and has other unpleasant side effect. lvoss has dogs from the same breeder and very kindly found me a chiroproctor in my area. I took him to the chiropractor who diagnosed him with a pinched nerve also, as well as TMJ in is jaw and his whole body was off including his rib cage and legs. She isn't sure where it is, but she did manipulate him-once per week to start then started scaling down. Shadow would be laying down and just yelp in pain-without even moving. In the past month I've taken him racing and more recently on a long trip to Winnipeg in a crate. He has been doing beautifully. No more pain! Except in my butt. He is now getting into all kinds of trouble. I still have to take him once a month, but it's worth it. Please, if this is what you think it is, try a chiropractor. All my friends in the B world were VERY skeptical. Now they are considering this for some of their older dogs as they have seen the change in Shadow. Let me know how things go.