Hello from The Z-Pack in Los Angeles

  • Who is The Z Pack? Ziggy, Zoe, and Zen … that is, Ziggy the 9-year-old Basenji, Zoe, the Collie/Pharaoh Hound, and Zen (me!). I got Ziggy about a month ago; he's my second tri-color B. Would love to meet up with other B-owners in the LA area. I'm a psychology book editor, novelist (speculative fiction), racquetball player, and, of course, Basenji lover. 🙂 Feel free to drop me a line! ~ Lori ~

    “At times no dog can be naughtier than a Basenji,
    but no dog has brought apology to a finer art.”
    ~ Veronica Tutor Williams

  • Welcome Z-Pack. I live in the SF Bay Area. Where did you get Ziggy from? I'm assuming since he is 9, he was a rescue?

  • Hi, Studio City here if your close by lets get the B's together @ a park or something!

  • Welcome! This is a great site! Post pictures of your crew when you can! We love pictures!

  • MaxBooBoBear, I got Ziggy from the Medfly Brigade Basenji Rescue group. Great people! If you want their contact info, let me know. Cheers, Lori

  • Hi, Lori. I got my Tyler and Zoey from Karen and Chuck (Medfly Brigade) a few months ago. They were there almost two years because they needed to be placed together–and then I came along. Yes--Karen and Chuck are just unbelievable with the amount of work they do to rescue and care for basenjis. It is really a labor of love for them. It's great that you adopted one of their "senior citizens." And for anyone here on the board, they have many great Bs and mixes in Southern CA that need forever homes.

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