We are thinking Spike might be a Basenji Terrier mix. He definitely has the basenji personality and the bark. We love him no matter what he is but we are curious.
I am so sorry about your brother. Yes, seems he was meant to be with your family. If you get a chance, record his vocalizations. We really love pictures and videos!
I don't see basenji in your rescue - she is a very cute doggie, and there very well may be feist in her. A DNA test would tell you everything and it's a good investment; it would help you know her personality traits and identify her behavior as well.
I agree with the others that although he seems to have Basenji in him - his head is def. not Basenji.
As for the leg I'd have it amputated if it troubles him - He'll cope with 3 legs I'm sure, but certainly consult a specialist first. Please keep us updated.