Spencer Had a Stroke– a Bad One
I am so heartsick, I have no words to describe how sad I am for you to be losing spencer. My thoughts and prayers will be with you both, hoping you each find peace. Always here for you pamela
Pamela, just want you to know Oak and I are thinking about you. We had a special evening together in honor of spencer. Youre in our thoughts and hearts.
Oh Pamela I am so sad and sorry. All I can do is say that and hope you can feel the love and support. ((hugs))
I am so touched and grateful for your kind words and support. I'm just devastated. I knew it would be a hard loss, and though I had known for some time it was coming, I just couldn't prepare for the tsunami of grief that accompanies the loss of such a beloved companion. Spencer will live on in my heart, but I don't want him there– I want him here, in my lap, with his head on my knee or resting on the desk checking out the computer screen.
Chealsie, I'm so happy you and Oakley had a special day in Spencer's honor. Thank you! That adds a ray of light to my day. That's what I hope everyone can do-- do something special with, or for, their Basenjis, something that brings happiness, good memories and maybe a few baroos and yodels. I didn't get to give Spencer a special last day. His last day-- last week, really-- was not fun, and there was nothing I could do or give him that made it better. That makes me so sad. It would be comforting to know that Bs of all ages in all pockets of the world were getting a special day... or a special treat... or a special belly rub, walk or trip to the dogpark. Spencer would have approved. Thanks, everyone, for thinking of us.
Pamela, Perry will have a special treat today and I will tell him it comes with Spencer's blessing. Now the important thing is that you take care of you. Take the time to mourn him, cry when you need to. Only time makes it more bearable, and even months after if you are like me you will be blindsided by a thought or an association and start bawling again. After we lost Sunny, a woman at my Mom's nursing home asked me about the dog in the picture on her dresser, and the floodgates just opened. There was a horrible hole in our lives for six months, and then miraculously Perry came to fill it. Sunny would have approved. I hope Spencer sends you a magic dog when the time is right for one.
So sorry to hear this. I've just given Butu a new soft toy and told him it is from Spencer. He can't understand why I'm sitting here crying. Spencer is free of pain now, but I feel so sad for you in your loss. eeeefarm is spot on - take some time for you now.
I am very sorry for your loss. Dogs bring so much happiness to our lives, but such sadness when they go. Only time will turn that keen edge of pain to happy memories, and good dogs leave many good memories. When you are ready, there will be another dog to love in Spencer's honour. Peace
-Joanne -
I wanted to thank everyone again for your comforting words and gestures. It's wonderful of all of you to honor my sweet Spencer. I appreciate everything so much, and somewhere, Spencer is adding his baroo of gratitude.
He was greatly loved and is deeply missed.