Owned by Kaeda
wrote on 4 Jan 2013, 17:48 last edited by
My name is Belinda and I am owned by my gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, wonderful, adorable 5 month old red & white B named Kaeda (pronounced Kay-dah). I've had her since she was 8 weeks, but neglected to sign up and join this wonderful forum until now. :) I have a blog with tons of pictures of her growing up since I've had her until now. If anyone would like to check it out, it's www.kaedathebasenji.tumblr.com
I took this photo this morning. ^____^
wrote on 10 Jan 2013, 14:40 last edited by
Welcome… and congrats on your new addition! Well, she isn't all that "new" anymore, but I'm sure she's keeping things lively! Five months is a great age.
wrote on 10 Jan 2013, 15:16 last edited by
Congrats and welcome. Who did you get her from? Many of us are related by our basenjis
wrote on 10 Jan 2013, 19:04 last edited by
@ownedbyspencer - Thank you! She can definitely be a handful at times. Especially when my cat is around. She wants to play with my cat, but she's too rough and pulls on her. I can't even remember how my life was like without her, and I've only had her for 3 months!
@tanza - Thank you! I go her from a BYB, although I didn't realize it until after I purchased her. I definitely don't regret my decision because I love my little girl and she's a very healthy pup. And the breeder was nice enough to answer any of my questions when I had any, and gave me documentation for DNA Fanconi tests on both parents. She also gave me a picture once a week of Kaeda growing up from a couple days old to the last week before I got her. We still even email each other back and forth. She's from Kansas.
wrote on 10 Jan 2013, 20:41 last edited by
Welcome to the group, there are a couple other people on this forum from CT and MA.
wrote on 11 Jan 2013, 00:23 last edited by
Hi, I just love her face, very pretty girl.
wrote on 12 Jan 2013, 15:46 last edited by
What a sweet face! She is very pretty indeed. Welcome!
wrote on 21 Jan 2013, 15:57 last edited by
@lisastewart Thank you! Hmm, maybe if I can found out who they are, we can have play dates. :)
@stash I LOVE her face. My mom always says "You better not lose your wrinkles!" to her. xD
@DebraDownSouth Thank you and thank you. ^___^
wrote on 12 Feb 2016, 14:27 last edited by
Please keep posting new pics :)