Meds for a UTI
I have a 14 yr old girl that last night started having pee accidents. She would not even try to get up and go out the doggie door just pee right where she was laying. We took her to the emergency vet today b/c at 14 yr old these things can get out of hand quick and I didn't want her to suffer anymore than she needed to. She was definately not feeling well. So after a long wait at the emergency vet, They did a sonogram and pulled urnine from her bladder to send off for a urnialysis,(they looked for stones but didn't find any), but the vet decided to treat the symptons, i.e straining to pee, not a lot of urnine coming out etc. My dog also has arthritis in her hips pretty bad and she was in a lot pain from squating and straning so much. The vet wrote a Rx for Amoxicillian to filled at the local "human" pharmacy b/c it was cheaper than the canine version ($4 vs. $25). I was just wondering does that sound right. Is Amoxicillian the right type of antibiotic to treat for a UTI? They also gave her a shot for pain which knocked her out for a couple of hours and she still is kinda loopy now over 6 hours later.