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Small Dog Vaccination Danger Alert

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • The video is almost 1 1/2 yrs old, based on a study published in 2005. A newer study was funded by the AKC Health that ended collecting information in 2008. Much alarm about not much– produced by an alarmist site, lumping reactions from "nonspecific" and hives in with deaths. Wish they had given the actual study and broken down the reactions into percent increase. I mean, really-- if the only danger of a multipe shot was hives, eh. But when it is other more serious thing, that's important and worth of the narrators alarmist annoying tone. Having known 3 people who lost dogs to AIHA (autoimmune hemolytic anemia) after vaccinations, please do not think I am insinuating that reactions to vaccines are not a serious concern.

    Most of the info was nothing new I am sure to most good dog owners. We have known combos were not as good, it has been known for 20 yrs that lepto was a MAJOR reaction part of it and that small dogs react more often than big ones. And you have to hope that owners of breeds with higher risks know it.

    What I don't get is when vets KNOW multiple vaccines cause more reactions why they don't bother to inform clients and give them the option to come back 2 to 3 weeks later for others? My guess is it is just like many who INSIST dogs stay at a clinic, even when there is no staff overnight, because they assume owners are too stupid or slack to keep the dog calm so alone at the clinic to die if something goes wrong is safer than the owner taking them home-- and the shots, slack owner won't come back. I don't get why owners stay with a vet that insists on yearly vaccinations. I also talked to one clinic locally that insisted if you came in for a visit you HAD to have certain shots for them to see you, or get them then and told me, I swear, that their LICENSING with the AAHA required it (AAHA gives accreditation not licenses btw). Needless to say I not only filed a complaint with the AAHA and with the clinic owner.

    Btw I like this link, very informative for new dog owners:

  • Debra, I'm happy to send you a copy of the report if you e-mail me at Below is information I excerpted from the report:

    The quotes in red below are from the attached scientific report covering adverse events within 3 days of vaccination in dogs over the course of 2 years. Reports of dogs having vaccinal adverse reactions within the same time frame were not included if heartworm medication had been administered along with the vaccines. This study did not include adverse reactions such as development of fibrosarcomas and/or other conditions which take longer than 3 days to develop.

    Moore, George E. et als., Adverse events diagnosed within three days of Vaccine Administration in Dogs, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol 227, No. 7, October 1, 2005

    Animals—1,226,159 dogs vaccinated at 360 veterinary hospitals.

    Results—4,678 adverse events (38.2/10,000 dogs vaccinated) were associated with administration of 3,439,576 doses of vaccine to 1,226,159 dogs. The VAAE rate decreased significantly as body weight increased. Risk was 27% to 38% greater for neutered versus sexually intact dogs and 35% to 64% greater for dogs approximately 1 to 3 years old versus 2 to 9 months old. The risk of a VAAE significantly increased as the number of vaccine doses administered per office visit increased; each additional vaccine significantly increased risk of an adverse event by 27% in dogs ≤ 10 kg (22 lb) and 12% in dogs > 10 kg.

    Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Young adult small-breed neutered dogs that received multiple vaccines per office visit were at greatest risk of a VAAE within 72 hours after vaccination.

    Records for dogs that received both an injectable heartworm preventive and a vaccine during the same office visit were not included in analyses.

    Population—In the 2-year study period, 4,531,837 vaccine doses were administered to 1,537,534 dogs at 360 veterinary hospitals.

    Among breeds with 5,000 or more dogs vaccinated, Dachshund, Pug, Boston Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, and Chihuahua breeds had the highest rates of VAAEs with 121.7, 93.0, 83.8, 76.4, and 76.1 adverse events/10,000 dogs vaccinated, respectively (Table 1). The VAAE rate for mixed-breed dogs was in the bottom quintile of all rates.

    The VAAE rates decreased significantly as body weight increased (P for trend < 0.001; Figure 1). For all vaccines or for rabies vaccine alone, the VAAE rate for 10.1- to 45.0-kg (22.2- to 99.0-lb) dogs was approximately half the rate for dogs that weighed 0 to 10.0 kg (0 to 22.0 lb; P < 0.001; Figure 2). For rabies vaccine administered alone, VAAE rates/10,000 dogs that weighed 0 to 10.0 kg, 10.1 to 45.0 kg, and > 45 kg were 32.1 (222/69,178), 15.3 (69/45,088), and 0.0 (0/1,966), respectively.

    The risk of a VAAE significantly increased as the number of vaccines administered per office visit increased (P for trend < 0.001).

    In all dogs, each additional vaccine administered per office visit increased the rate of a VAAE by 24.2%; the rate increase was significantly (P <0.001) greater in dogs that weighed 0 to 10.0 kg, compared with dogs that weighed 0.1 to 45.0 kg (27.3% vs 11.5%, respectively; Figure 4). The 3 dogs with recorded deaths each had received ≥ 4 vaccines at their last office visit.

    The lowest rate was observed with parenteral administration of Bordetella vaccine (15.4/10,000; 82 VAAEs/53,238 doses), and the highest rate was observed with Borrelia (Lyme disease) vaccine (43.7/10,000; 132 VAAEs/30,201 doses).

    The risk of a VAAE in this study population was inversely related to a dog’s weight.

    Factors known to cause vaccine reactions include the primary vaccine agent or antigen, adjuvants, preservatives, stabilizers, and residues from tissue cultures used in vaccine production.

    The overall formulation of various vaccine components (eg, antigen, adjuvants, and diluent) is proprietary information that was unavailable for analysis in our study; thus, the variation in VAAE rates among single-antigen vaccines
    may not be solely attributable to the primary vaccine antigen.

    … because of genetic heterogeneity, the relatively low VAAE rate observed in mixed-breed dogs suggests that laboratory safety trials that use such dogs may underestimate the VAAE rates that would occur in purebred dogs. This is important because purebred dogs comprise at least two thirds of the US dog population.

    The risk of allergic reaction has been reported to increase after the third or fourth injection of a vaccine (ie, a booster response).

    Neutering appeared to increase risk of a VAAE more than sex. Females mount stronger immune responses after vaccination or infection than males because of a dimorphic enhancing effect of estrogens and a protective effect of androgens.

    Below are links to excellent information on veterinary vaccines from authoritative sources:

    Duration of Immunity to Canine Vaccines: What We Know and Don't Know, Dr. Ronald Schultz

    What Everyone Needs to Know about Canine Vaccines, Dr. Ronald Schultz

    Age and Long-term Protective Immunity in Dogs and Cats, Dr. Ronald Schultz et als., Journal of Comparative Pathology January 2010

    Genetically Engineered and Modified Live Virus Vaccines;Public Health and Animal Welfare Concerns by Michael W. Fox BVetMed,PhD,DSc.MRCVS

    Vaccination: An Overview Dr. Melissa Kennedy, DVM360

    World Small Animal Veterinay Association's 2010 Guidelines for the Vaccination of Dogs and Cats (scroll down to Vaccine Guidelines 2010

    World Small Animal Veterinary Association 2007 Vaccine Guidelines Scroll down to Vaccine Guidelines 2007 (PDF)

    The 2003 American Animal Hospital Association's Canine Vaccine Guidelines are accessible online at .

    The 2006 American Animal Hospital Association's Canine Vaccine Guidelines are downloadable in PDF format at

    2011 American Animal Hospital Association's Canine Vaccine Guidelines

    Veterinarian, Dr. Robert Rogers,has an excellent presentation on veterinary vaccines at

    October 1, 2002 DVM Newsletter article entitled, AVMA, AAHA to Release Vaccine Positions,

    July 1, 2003 DVM Newsletter article entitled, What Do We Tell Our Clients?, Developing thorough plan to educate staff on changing vaccine protocols essential for maintaining solid relationships with clients and ensuring quality care

    July 1, 2003, DVM Newsletter article, Developing Common Sense Strategies for Fiscal Responsibility: Using an interactive template to plan service protocol changes

    Animal Wellness Magazine Article Vol. 8 Issue 6, How Often Does he REALLY Need A Rabies Shot Animal Wellness Magazine - devoted to natural health in animals

    The Rabies Challenge Animal Wise Radio Interview
    Listen to Animal Wise (scroll down to The Rabies Challenge 12/9/07)

    The Vaccine Challenge Animal Talk Naturally Online Radio Show ? The Vaccine Challenge - Show #91

    Rabies Prevention – United States, 1991 Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP), Center for Disease Control's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly March 22, 1991 / 40(RR03);1-19 "A fully vaccinated dog or cat is unlikely to become infected with rabies, although rare cases have been reported (48). In a nationwide study of rabies among dogs and cats in 1988, only one dog and two cats that were vaccinated contracted rabies (49). All three of these animals had received only single doses of vaccine; no documented vaccine failures occurred among dogs or cats that had received two vaccinations. "

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