If you pay attention, there may be some subtleties that might give you a clue. Dogs pay close attention to body language. He may see the Collies as a threat because of something not easily noticeable, and perhaps he is generalizing if one of them has given him bad vibes and the others look similar enough for him to consider them a threat. My boy really didn't like small white fluffy dogs, I have no idea why....but perhaps because many were noisy and wanted to get in his face.
African Basenji and African Elephants
Okay this is THE coolest thing I've seen in a long, long time.
I did not know basenjis were used to subdue elephants in their native lands.
Oh, and is anyone surprised the basenji just stands there "bow to the basenji, bow to the basenji."
that is SO neat!! love it!
Aaliyah says she would like to have an elephant as a playmate…instead of Ozzy...