punish when he did his messes by rubing his nose on the pee and then isolated him from the family. This used to work with my toy poodle, but he was pretty much trained and not so hyper.
I'm not sure who shared this information with you but IMO it's terribly wrong & may actually make things worse. This will scare the little guy & somtimes the smells stays on their nose if done harshly & they'll pee ALLLLL over the place :eek: I'm sure you don't want that. Try to get into the mind set that dogs will want to do things that make him feel good. If I don't nip…I get a FABULOUS treat If I don't pee I get such wonderful praises AND a FABULOUS treat.
With the nipping try what they call "replacing the behavior" so when he starts to nip give him something to do IMMEDIATELY (and timing is everything with this exercise) that he can't possibly nip & do the new behavior at the same time...for example..Step 1-nips=chew toy IMMEDIATELY Step 2-if he gets distracted with the chew toy then you treat him with some yummy food & good praises!! Using a nice happy voice!!
Andrea once used this analogy that has stuck with me....if they had a law that all those that DON'T speed get a new car wouldn't you NOT speed well same idea with dogs.
With the peeing around the house you may need to keep the little guy on a leash meaning with you at ALLLL times. Tie the leash around your waist so you can watch his every move...if starts looking like he's going to pee (and you MUST watch & learn the signs because there aremany) you pick him up quickly saying "Potty Potty Potty" and take him outside or wherever you want him to pee. If you can't keep an eye on him then he belongs in his crate with the most delicious treat possible or a fun chew toy!
I can't emphasize enough that you need to do these exercises every single time every single day...it does work but the commitment needs to be there.
We have some issues with other dogs & I've been teaching "Watch" to my dogs for what seems like forever!!! :eek: and it's taken them about 3 months to figure it out...but it's every day & the precise time.