Okay here's the scoop:
I had adopted a chihuahua mix from the shelter 3 months ago. He and Anubis became BEST friends, always playing, sleeping together and everything. I recently had to give him up because of my landlord. Spinner (the chi mix) had become too territorial of my yard and actually bit my landlord (oops!!!). He was a shelter dog so we weren't sure of his past. His becoming too protective we think was him channeling his FEAR into AGGRESSION. My landlord wouldnt give me any time to work with him or anything…so we took him back to the shelter (NO KILL Shelter).
Anyways on to Anubis:
Since bringing Spinner back he has been VERY depressed. This was a week ago when I took him back to Second Chance. Since then Anubis has been just laying around, not fully eating his meals, drinking a little bit but mostly just sleeping on my bed. Ive tried to entice him to play, he does for maybe 3min then he lays back down. Ive tried to entice him with raw chicken (HIS FAVORITE)...nothing. THEN I got a puppy from my friend thinking maybe he'd be happy with someone to play with...yeah right! He snaps when she comes too close. (Poor Casey!). Ive given Anubis lots of cuddle time and tons of attention to try to cheer him up. How else can I handle this? -
Don't assume it is depression… get a vet check. Then proceed with other things. Often simply lots of walks and exercise will help.
Don't assume it is depression… get a vet check. Then proceed with other things. Often simply lots of walks and exercise will help.
Although the timing seems to point to being upset about losing his friend, I would rule out any/all physical health problems first.