I am trying to build on my knowledge of the great stud dogs with excellent hips, clear eyes, Fanconi clear, normal tyroids, etc. who also happen to have awesome conformation and temperament. I would love hearing people's personal oppinions on the subject knowing very well each dog should be matched case by case.
It usually means a lot when a breeder recomends a different breeder's dog. Especially when it comes to temperament. People can advertise health and show results but to really know about temperaments, it helps when other people recomend a certain individual or bloodline. I would like this thread to stay positive and to focus about the good things to say about certain dogs. If you have something nice to say I would love to hear it!!! Don't be shy!!!! (no put-down please, let's have some good clean fun and learn)
I will start… I really like Lise Durlot's american stud Versace in France. He is the 2010 World Winner but I don't know anything about his temperament. I also love Penda Taji's Tri-Umphant One in California, I have only heard great things about him so far. I hear great things from these kennels in Sweden: Faraoland, Bulldobas, Elegant Elephant but in general I hear there are many more great breeders in that country. Finish breeders also have a great reputation. Norway is building great reputation as well, by the way, I saw the most stunning black bitch in Lithuania that came out of Kennel Chagma in Norway. All I can say is WOW. I am seeing some lovely breeding programs in Australia. Your turn!!!!