Thanks for the suggestions everyone- Tana's really more of a pee-er than a chewer, so I was hoping for something vinyl-covered (or similar) that could be wiped off if he pees on it.
Washing towels/blankets all the time is easier said than done because we're in a condo without our own washer/dryer, so I do laundry about 1-2 times a week at my parent's house.
But, I think it's worth it to try a fleece blanket and hope it lasts awhile.
Actually, Ruby went about a month when I first got her where she would pee (I tried wool blankets, towels, everything I could think of). Then I bought 2 cheap fleece throws at LLBean's factory store…and there ended the peeing. I was kind of amazed.
Needless to say, everytime I go to the outlet now and they have some throws on the shelves, I stock up (range in price for $9.99 - $14). Not to mention the drying of fleece takes about a quarter of the time that blankets or towels do.