Newbie, needs help with a chewer.
I just spend $40 at the shoe repair shop for Lou's hubbys shoes. Seems like he doesn't want to put them in the closet, which is ok with Wheat.
be careful what you give him as she may swallow pieces of it!!'. I find that when he gets his bones, ( I give Ayo raw beef bones, marrow bones or any other bones ) he loves them and sometimes he'll eat them up right away, but some, especially the marrow bones, he'll eat the marrow inside and then the bone lasts for months and he chews them constantly, never paid attention to toys.
By the way… What is "Spanglish mode"??
I've stopped giving my dogs bones after my JRT had a slab frature that abcessed. She loved bones.
Spanglish is from a movie with Ben Stiller in it. They warned the new maid never to through the ball because their retriever would continue to bring the ball back until her(the maids) arm fell off.