I've read a few posts here and elsewhere about dealing with diarrhea, and I'd just feel safer running my plan by you guys before I carry it out today.
This morning makes Day 4 of Paco having diarrhea. I think it's because he ate some leftover steak. If not, it might be the water from the new apartment I've moved into (I really hope that's not it). We've been watching him and he's still very energetic and his attitude hasn't changed one bit, he just "asks" to go outside more often, and when he does, it's messy.
It's gotten better - the first day it was very watery, but yesterday it actually looked like he might be almost all better; then this morning he's gone twice already and I feel like I need to take action.
He had dinner last night (Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul), and I've skipped breakfast this morning. I'm going to buy some canned pure pumpkin and chicken today after work and come home and boil the chicken and shred it. Should I give him both the pumpkin and chicken at the same time, or give one first and wait before giving the other?
He's been chewing on one of those white "Dentist's Best" bones today. He usually doesn't "eat" them, but he does chew small pieces off sometimes and chew on them, and I'm sure he ingests a bit of that. Should I take it away to ensure a "totally empty" stomach tonight?
Thanks all! You're amazing!
edit if he "firms up" after eating pumpkin and boiled chicken, then the idea is to shift over to his regular diet gradually over a period of a few days, yes?