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Maya's First Holiday! (MANY Pictures)

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  • Hi,

    We are home. We got back yesterday evening! It was only a long weekend but we had a lovely relaxing time. It was very cold and windy, but we had a fair bit of sun. Maya absolutely loved it. She just raced along the beach at 100mph :D Was such a well behaved girl, said hello to everyone (dogs and people!) on the beach and just enjoyed it completely. She loved the little cottage we rented too, she got to sleep on the sofa so that probably made it more enjoyable :rolleyes: She is exhausted though!!

    Anyway, lots of pictures. I forgot to take my camera so these are just from my phone :)

    Labs on Perranporth Beach. This was our closest beach and we took the dogs for a good run along it at least once each day.

    It was a bit windy… My poor mum lol!!

    Maya and Chloe in the cottage:

    And beautiful Delilah:

    Maya and Saffie:

    Saturdays trip to St Ives…

    Spot the basenji!

    Thats WET sand you know… So its pretty much the same as her swimming in the sea :p


    Horrible picture of Me (yuk!!), Tansy the labrador pup, Delilah and Maya:

    Looking out to sea!

    The little beach we found in St Ives. It had the most beautiful blue water!

    Vinnie the puglet:

    And sheltering from a REALLY bad downpour… Check out my two girls :rolleyes: And yes, the little Princess IS sitting on rubbish bags. She absolutely refused to sit on the cold, wet ground :rolleyes:

    More to come on next post!

  • Random Puglets on the "garden" outside the cottage:

    A rather windswept Delilah

    Maya getting her feet wet!

    Coming back after visiting the greyhound

    Maya, Lilah and Tansy:

    Maya and Chloe

    Chasing Saffie (i have a cute video of their mad 5 mins charging around the beach!!)

    Love Lilah's ears!!

    And Chloes!

    And of course, Maya's :D

    Tansy about to bite Lilah's tail…

    Beautiful Lilah :)

    Maya in the distance

    Delilah and Beau:

    Tansy having a swim!

    Maya and Family

    I dont know why, but i love this picture!

    And, last night at the cottage…

    Ready for bed:

    Exhausted little people:

    And the last morning, Maya talking to Ruby:

  • Jess, what an adventure..awesome pics, I can't believe those are all from a phone…I love the rugged fall weather in Europe, when you bundle up and just braze yourself against the wind..
    How many dogs or should I saw pets were there all in all? I am glad to see you smile, and no, that is not a horrible picture at all..I think it is lovely.

  • Pictures are great not sure what one was the best or what one I like the best. If I just had to pick the tried sleeping ones are special.

    Rita Jean

  • Great pics! Looks like everybody had a great time. I always love thew shots of the little Pugs too.

  • Thanks everyone! We did all have a lovely time, wish i was back there! It was so relaxing.

    We had 5 puglets, Delilah, Maya, Tansy and 5 labradors there so 13 in all!! And then Ruby the parrot as well :)

  • Oh my goodness Jess, i can't believe you took 13 Dogs and a Parrot and found it relaxing :D
    Looks like you all had a great time, i noticed you had Maya off her lead on the beach

  • I love all my animals, I couldnt think of a better holiday than being surrounded by all of them :D

    And yes, Maya is rarely walked on a lead, just on the roads and stuff, but she is used to being off lead and i certainly couldnt have kept up with her while she was charging around the beach :D

  • Another question Jess, is Maya good at recall and did you take her to training classes, oh and another question, will you train our pup when we get her :D :D

  • That looks like a GREAT holiday!! I'm soooo jealous!! Love the pic of your mom with the labs! And Tansy is so cute! :D And there is nothing 'Yuk' about your pic.. ;) :)

  • I love your pics, too! :)
    Looks like a wonderful weekend with much fun for lovely dogs ;)

    Hope to show the northsea to our B's next year…

  • Wonderful pics of all of you! Stop being so self disparaging:mad:!! You and your family are beautiful–although mom does look a little wind blown:D!!

    How in the world did you manage the logistics of this? There's got to be more to the story…and a great story it must be....all those labs, pugs, and a Mom that must have been sent from the Gods, plus Maya and Ruby!!!

    Tell us more. Please?

  • I'm guessing you rented a large bus for the trip, sort of a portable zoo!

    We vacation with our 3 basenjis and though we wouldn't have any fun without them, the logistics of 3 dogs in a strange place can be challenging for me. I can only imagine what delightful chaos you must have had.

    The photos are wonderful, I love that one of pug and her shadow running on the sand, and the one of your mom with 5 labs too. Many excellent photos, and the beaches look grand. So glad you had a lovely vacation!

  • Wonderful photos - I'm so envious, the area is lovely.

    You can't take a bad photo - it is nice to see your smiling face.

  • Thanks for all the replies!

    Another question Jess, is Maya good at recall and did you take her to training classes, oh and another question, will you train our pup when we get her

    Maya has a brilliant recall, as good (if not better!!) than any of the labs. She is a total mummys girls so always comes running back if she gets too far ahead with the other dogs! I wouldnt trust her near roads, but then i wouldnt walk any of the dogs offlead near roads, but the beach was ideal!

    And yep, send her over :D I LOVE training puppies!!!

    How in the world did you manage the logistics of this? There's got to be more to the story…and a great story it must be....all those labs, pugs, and a Mom that must have been sent from the Gods, plus Maya and Ruby!!!

    Tell us more. Please?

    Not much to tell!! It just needs a big car and a very tolerant pack of dogs!! Its quite a tight squeeze in the car, but they all just get on with it and go to sleep (the puglets are in a seperate crate cos they annoy all the other dogs by biting them…!!), we're hoping to get a bigger car next year lol But all of the "big" dogs (ie, not the puglets lol) get on great so thats not a problem at all.

    And the dogs just dont get stressed in new places. I thought Maya might, but she LOVED it. They just made themselves at home. They had even more attention than when we're at home as they were with us 24/7 and it was a holiday for the dogs mostly, so every day was dog walking and stuff, they loved it.

    We rented a two bedroom cottage (very dog friendly, the owners have flatcoat retrievers themselves) and me and my mum each had a bedroom and the dogs were loose in the open plan living/kitchen area. We're hoping to get another trip in before xmas as we enjoyed this one so much, but the owners have just sold the house and holiday cottages so we're keeping fingers crossed they wont have moved out by the time we want to go back!!

  • What wonderful photos! You are amazing–-vacationing with 13 dogs and a basenji off lead!

  • Great pictures, Jess. Looks like you all had a great time. :)

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