Looking for a cool, fun name …
Otis and Eddie. See you have to put the 2 names together because there's going to be posts in the future like "OK, Otis and Eddie got into the pantry and ate a loaf of bread and a box of crackers".
You and I think so much alike..I have been walking around "yelling" Otis and–- to see which one sounds the best together..Otis has been outside so he is not walking around thinking he did something wrong ;)
We were told by some older friends when we were looking for a name to give our daughter 9+ years ago, to "yell" it out the door three times, that way you know what it sounds like..when you are looking for her to come in after a day out playing..so I am using that same "old wifes tale" antic on finding a suiting name for Edgar..
Cant help with a Name Petra, having enough trouble thinking of names for our new pup, have to say my husband is rubbish at picking names :D
Lucky you getting a Podengo, have you any pics yet ? -
You and I think so much alike..I have been walking around "yelling" Otis and–- to see which one sounds the best together..Otis has been outside so he is not walking around thinking he did something wrong ;)
We were told by some older friends when we were looking for a name to give our daughter 9+ years ago, to "yell" it out the door three times, that way you know what it sounds like..when you are looking for her to come in after a day out playing..so I am using that same "old wifes tale" antic on finding a suiting name for Edgar..
I always think in syllables too. 2 syllables are OK 3 is too many. The rescue lady, Karen originally named Buddy an African name- Vinjari. The one problem is that the kids always ask the dogs name and Buddy is much easier for a 3-4 year old to say or remember. You say "Vinjari" and the kid just stares at you. Plus there's 3 syllables. Sometimes we walk by people and they say "hey buddy" automatically and I say "how did you know his name"? They laugh and say "really"? Plus he's real friendly in that he wants to be your buddy.
The only pic I have of him, is this one. He is younger here.
He turned 5 mo. yesterday, so he is still a baby..not that Otis isn't, he will be 10 mo next week.. -
Yes, he is Portuguese Podengo Grande, and he does look like an Edgar, doesn't he?
I can't wait… -
He's just gorgeous Petra, thanks for the pic. Bet you're so excited :)
Shelley.. Thank you so much..yes we are so very excited..
Perhaps a twist on Poe? One of Poe's stories is the Gold Bug. His main character is William "Legrand"…..Le grande (?!?!), shortened to Lee. William Legrand(e)...Big Bill, ( I know, quite a stretch)
Poe's a hard author to come up with male names associated with his works. Poe tends toward the tragic female figures in his life.
Good luck with your name search. I actually prefer the "Eddie" derivative for Edgar. Seems more playful to me.
Thanks for that Poe lesson, I looked at his work and yes, most are about tragic females (well put), Le Grande..hmm. it is worth a thought..
I too like Edgar and Eddie is growing on me..
I guess we have a few more days of guessing before we see him..he will join our family on wednesday…. -
My vote is for Axel. That would sound really cool when they call him up to the line if you course him. Edgar doesn't quite have the same punch to it (but I have to admit he does look like an Edgar, very cute). I bet he'll tear the coursing field apart…. How exciting!
Oh, they are all good…hmm..decisions decisions...we have a few more days..
Put all these names in hat and on Halloween 1st child comes to door let them reach into the hat and you have a name. Happy Halloween.
Rita Jean
I hope a Milky Way or some Skittles doesn't accidently get mixed up in that hat. Those would be weird names, lol. Funny names but weird.
I hope a Milky Way or some Skittles doesn't accidently get mixed up in that hat. Those would be weird names, lol. Funny names but weird.
I will not tell my kids about that comment, they will be all over it…:D