Patroling the front yard
Just because they are cute!
Hunter is little enough to hang out on the windowsill. Bandit just perches on the chair and the windowsill.
The pic of them on the couch says "no, we don't like each other, now leave us alone. The squirrel is in the front yard". :D:D Hunter is the little one on the left. My little BRAT rescue. And Bandit is the big girl on the right. From behind they look like twins!!!
Love them!!!!:):) They make me smile!!!:):):):):)
Great pictures.
I love the one when they are sitting ever so close to each other..sweet. -
Hunter and Bandit are so cute, do you find that they wipe their noses all over the window :D
Hunter and Bandit are so cute, do you find that they wipe their noses all over the window :D
I just had new windows installed in May. The front window doesn't look so new anymore. It looks like the windows in my Subaru!!!!:):):)
Love it!!!!! I wouldn't have it any other way!!!:):):)
Hunter and Bandit are so cute, do you find that they wipe their noses all over the window :D
That is called "dog art"….. I have lots of that
:D will have to remember that one about Dog art