Opps, i thought the OP came back and said it was hypOpara, not hyperpara?
I don't know anything about the *para part, but I do know it is almost always easier to add than supress a body's production of hormones.
OK, here goes. There are two quite separate hormone-producing glands: the thyroid & the parathyroid, either of which can cause problems if they go wrong.
Hyper means excessive activity & hypo means under-activity. Hyper can be caused by a tumour on the gland or by kidney problems. Hypo, which Bing has, is caused by autoimmune deficiency where the body effectively fights itself. In the latter case the seizures are caused by a calcium deficiency which results.
His calcium tablets, which he has been having for months, contain vitD but not enough for him to absorb the calcium fully so he, from Monday, now has a stronger vitD supplement. To complicate things he has been on a steroid to stimulate his appetite, the loss of which is linked to the condition. These tend to supress the ability to absorb calcium!
Anyway we are progressing slowly with his calcium levels needing to checked every two weeks for now.
I hope he bounces back and will start eating again. Sounds like you are on the right track, please let us know how Bing is doing on his regimen.
Is this fairly uncommon?
Hi Mamma!
Well, I'm not sure how common it is in Basenjis - I suspect it might be more common than in other breeds. We have owned 20+ dogs over the years - almost all Danes - and haven't had anything like it before.
Jean Dodds has promised me she'll be in touch when she reaches Europe so I might find out more then.
Good to hear, Mike.
I had a mutt that passed away in April, he had the more common hypothyroidism, no -para. But with all my other dogs, none have had thyroid issues…
Actually, hypOparathyroid is really uncommon in humans - it is much more common to have hypeRparathyroid - which is usually detected by too much calcium in the blood. I wonder if it is really uncommon in animals as well.
Kind of interesting because I'm pretty sure my endocrinologist said it is opposite with the regular thyroid - hypOthyroid is more common than hypeRthyroid.
It will be really interesting to hear what Dr. Dodds has to say. If you don't mind, please keep us posted.
And did I say that I love the name Bing - really cute! :D
mramsay,Thank you for the explanation on Hyperparathyroidism. I can't say I've ever come across it but have heard of a basenji or two with thyroid problems but did not have details, only some symptoms.
I'm praying for Bing and hope it can always be controlled.
Good to hear that he is doing better and that DR Dodd seem to think that you have found what works..
Feel better Bing.. -
I read a very interesting article today about the benefits of vitamin D. It is now believed to have the most amazing benefits if taken in sufficient quantity (which happens to be about twice Govt recommended levels). Among other things it is extremely effective against auto-immune disease, MS, osteoporosis and even certain cancers. The article was in reference to humans, not dogs, but it didn't take us long to extend the logic to our little Bing's problem. This may explain the considerable improvement in him these last few days.
mramsay - I'm so glad that Bing is continuing to improve.
From Seko's comments it seems that there could be an inherited problem. I wasn't aware that either of these are genetic. Do you have any other information?
I'm assuming I know Bing's father who was shown for a while and looked a very nice dog - at that time I wasn't aware of problems (at least his owner didn't mention it) but he did come from very mixed lines.
Incidentally, I'm pleased to read that you've been made aware of adverse reactions to yearly jabs. Do you use nosodes?