Welcome to the board. Please share pictures! Does your guy bark or does he make basenji noises?
And hello/yodels from Germany
Welcome to our pack!
Aaah⦠My skinny puppy!! Thanks for de pics! Maybe I have some of Zuri as well! I will look for them tonight
Thanks to all for the warm welcome!
It's almost like they are twins!!!!o:o
YES - that's what I often hear. "Mum, look! Twins!"
But Zuri and Thabo really look similar to each other, when you are not used to it. He has a little bit more white in face than her. But the same leg is in brindle (the left one) down to the foot and the right leg is white.
So it is okay :rolleyes:@Janneke:
I'm always thinking "skinny puppy" when I watch my boy. Wonder, when he will become "more" -
I found this pic of Zuri, winning best head!
I'm still waiting for Tillo to become more.. ggg.. He was more this summer.. but that wasn't the right 'more' So he lost those extra pounds
Ooooh - little Zuri kiss I was so proud of her
That's her head these days:
And Thabo:
The poor boy is in trouble at the moment, because his girl is in season :rolleyes:
His weight is around 10kg - but doesn't matter what I give him to eat - it won't become more :p And he's a little more than 44,5cm⦠-
Gorgeous dogs. You kepp them very well
Very intense eyes on this fellow! They are both great looking Bs!
Jepp, beautiful indeed.
Thank you!!! I'll try to post some more pics tomorrow
Yes - he has very intense eyes. Nearly yellow.
Everbody we meet likes his light eyes more than Zuris' dark ones. Even if they are a little too yellow for the standard -
Standard, schmandard. That's a beautiful dog.