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Another guess where's….

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  • I live in a state of confusion….

    I got the joke...was just teasing you a little

  • @AJs:

    I live in a state of confusion….

    I got the joke...was just teasing you a little

    Teasing me?! :eek:I'm going to report this to the forum administrator! :D

  • And get me kicked out of the pack?!?:eek:
    So many really great people here…I'd be bummed!:(

  • @AJs:

    And get me kicked out of the pack?!?:eek:
    So many really great people here…I'd be bummed!:(

    I'm just teasing you for God's sake! :D

  • Yeah, I know:D But I won't report u. hehehe:D
    You didn't get any fruitcake in SF did you?:eek:

  • @AJs:

    Yeah, I know:D But I won't report u. hehehe:D
    You didn't get any fruitcake in SF did you?:eek:

    Most of the people that live there are fruitcakes! ;) That's I don't go there:D

  • AJ's Human, What a great pic and in my neck of woods. I grew up in Bath, NC and all my family is still there. I can remember that was one of the annual family trips to Ronoake to see the Lost Colony production in the summer. After college I migrated north with my hubby to Ohio who is also a trucker, Regional (5 states) he also drives a Freightliner (company owned). The co. doesn't allow any animals for trips though. :(. Bath is historical too as its the First incorporated town in NC and Blackbeard the pirate had a home in Bath with his wife.

  • @nobarkus:

    Most of the people that live there are fruitcakes! ;) That's I don't go there:D

    Are you sure you're not talking about Key West?

    And was Blackbeard the guy with a bunch of wives or am i thinking of a different pirate?

  • Blackbeard did frequent the NC coast areas…I almost used that as a clue.

    The Carolinas are very pretty. One of my favorite regions of the country.:)

  • Yup, Blackbeard had the many wives-some accounts say 14. I think he was the original "woman in every port" that is often associated with saliors. Bath was where Blackbeard accepted his Pardon for his previous pirating crimes. After that it is said he retired. Well I guess being beheaded does slow you down a bit. :)

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