Great pictures. I love the one of Maya standing up on the wall, great angle.
Tansy, is (s)he a newbie..? Did you have more puppies? Tell us, oh do tell us.
They are definitely handsome couple :).
I understant definitely that Kas was nervous. My father is still nervous on shows although he started with showing 8 yrs ago :eek::D.
:eek: we have a long way to go then :D
the photos are fab! Tilly is great but the Dobes are too! We considered Dobermans after our GSDs. The docking laws kind of swayed us but we'd always looked at the ridgebacks too so it was a close thing there. All fine breeds.
no just try to look my best and like I know what I am doing. I owner/handle my dogs. I cannot afford a handler, they make more in one weekend than I make all week.. LOL…
I wish I could be a handler I love to show. It gives me a rush. I don't care who's dog it is. I sometimes help my friend and show her Saluki. I love it.