Very nice show, Kas was a bit exciting because he had to show both B's!
12 Basenji's, unfortually three weren't there (the basenji's of Jennifer Gielisse :( )
Chafuko had to go first, he became 3th in his class with the comment:
I love him very very much but he is too playful. you have to practice more..
Well, the judge was right.. Chafuko was one BIG toy himselfe :eek:
He went out with a exellent AND a great judge repport!
We do were a bit dissapointed, he behaved well but was just too jumpy and the judge couln't see the "show" chafuko..
Next time better, the judge report says it all… :DBuana became first in his class and ended up second best male!!!
I didn't thought he ended up so high because the judge really liked masculin Basenji.. Buana isn't and escpecially with the B's that are on show now in Holland (BIG basenji's :eek:) he looks femine..Very proud on all three of my boys! Buana, Chafuko AND Kas! He handled them very good and nobody notice, he handled Buana for the first time!!! :D
We had a really nice show, bought too much again for the dogs... hahaha
We spent our waiting time with Marianne (podenji) and her boyfriend Tiemen, they showed their Galgo... (oow he's soooooo cute :D)Here some pictures, quality is bad because I had to make them.. with a dog in my hand, a BIG tummy in my way and a lot of nerves.. haha
Buana in the best male judging -
Congrats on your very nice results.
it was a great day together , we enjoyed ourselves very much :)