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Opposable "thumbs" (dewclaws)?

Behavioral Issues
  • I was thinking that as well, not for B's but for dogs in general, so I did some research..i.e googled and there are dogs out there with dewclaws on the back paws, I had no idea. I have yet, needless to say seen one in real life. I would love to see a pick as well. Apparently the dew claws on the back paws are more of a fleashy type area, so the claw does not fuse with the bone like to front ones do, therefor they can be removed, rather painlessly for the dog. I would love to see a pic as well, really interesting.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    I was thinking that as well, not for B's but for dogs in general, so I did some research..i.e googled and there are dogs out there with dewclaws on the back paws, I had no idea. I have yet, needless to say seen one in real life. I would love to see a pick as well. Apparently the dew claws on the back paws are more of a fleashy type area, so the claw does not fuse with the bone like to front ones do, therefor they can be removed, rather painlessly for the dog. I would love to see a pic as well, really interesting.

    Like many of the Nordic breeds the Buhunds have always had ugly rear double dews:eek: which we always removed.

  • I also read that Great Pyrenees have it as a breed requirement, meaning it is not considered purebreed without'em.

    I had no clue, just goes to show how truly blond I am…swede all the way..

  • I had forgotten that Yoshi was a mix.. that would explain it since Basenji do not have "rear" dew claws

  • Not only is he a mix, but I think he had a pretty rough life before me, so I doubt whoever produced him knew or cared anything about breed correctness (any breed!). If he were mine when he was a puppy, I might have had the rear ones removed, but now he seems to use them functionally. I was researching this also, and I found that few breeds even have double dew claws, so let me make sure I've got this right: a dog "should" have four toes on each foot, and the fifth is a vestigial "dew claw," correct?

  • Wow, thanks for posting a cool. I have never seen that before, so to me it is very cool. I don't know about the four toe thing, but the research I did stated that 4 was the most common.

  • @Varanus:

    Not only is he a mix, but I think he had a pretty rough life before me, so I doubt whoever produced him knew or cared anything about breed correctness (any breed!). If he were mine when he was a puppy, I might have had the rear ones removed, but now he seems to use them functionally. I was researching this also, and I found that few breeds even have double dew claws, so let me make sure I've got this right: a dog "should" have four toes on each foot, and the fifth is a vestigial "dew claw," correct?

    Wow…that is so bizarre to me - never seen it before. :eek:

  • Yeah, it was really weird when I realized he was using them to scale things and to stay on rough terrain. I'll try to get an action shot, but obviously that's easier said than done.

  • Realy unusual

  • Basenjis just have front ones, which most show breeders have removed from their litters. They can be nasty if they catch on something and rip.

    I do know German Shepherds sometimes have rear dews. Not sure about most other breeds. lol Again they are removed as newborns (the rears).

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