wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 21:43 last edited by
So i had posted a few weeks ago about the doggy we saved from the shelter here and how we thought she had ring worm. Well we finally got her into a REAL vet on tuesday and she has demodex. Well they gave us ivermectin(sp) and i started it late wed. night after she ate. Then thursday morning at like 2am she threw up in her kennel, and then again at 4am then again right after i let her out to clean her kennel. She then later thursday about 11am had a bowel movement and it was nothing but liquid. So I called the vet and they said that there is no way the medicine could have done that, well i did some research and that is a sign on toxcicity. They didn't believe me and told me to try again that night. Well I couldnt see her going thru that againg so I choose not to give it to her last night. She is perfectly fine now with out the meds. I called today to get something else for her and the only thing they can do are Dips, well I cannot afford them at 60 every 2 weeks for 5 dips. There is no way with my husband being military and us not making that much. So my question is what else can I do? I hate to see her skin like this and I dont want her to suffer but i just cant afford that. Is there anything over the counter or home remedys i can try.
wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 22:18 last edited by
The only thing I can think of is a lower dose of the ivermectin. That's is the best thing that I know of.
wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 23:04 last edited by
If she has localized demodectic mange she doesn't need any treatments. The outbreaks are usually cause by stress and in most cases subside on their own.
Here is a link to information about Demodex.
wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 23:14 last edited by
I dont think its localized. She has it on her neck, 2 spots, 2 tiny spots on each front leg, 6-7 on her face and about 10 near her rear on her back. the vet did say that her case was not bad at all. That makes me a littler happier. I have been reading that the ivermectin is basically the last resort and a lot of sites say to use benzoyl peroxide gel 5% once daily on each spot. Any opinons on that?? I am up for trying anything that is affordable at this point.
wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 23:16 last edited by
If she has localized demodectic mange she doesn't need any treatments. The outbreaks are usually cause by stress and in most cases subside on their own.
Here is a link to information about Demodex.
i was just looking at the pictures(the 2) on that page and she dose not have it anything like the 2nd picture but its a little more than the 1st one.
wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 23:22 last edited by
Here is a link to Goodwinol Ointment that is mentioned in the one link. I have never heard of using benzoyl peroxide for demodex.
wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 23:24 last edited by
I'd say the H2O2 can't be a bad idea. Might as well give that a try.
wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 23:26 last edited by
Here is a link to Goodwinol Ointment that is mentioned in the one link. I have never heard of using benzoyl peroxide for demodex.
that looks pretty good, i think if the benzoyl wont work we will try that cuz i have to get it treated soon cuz i am having surgery on the 18th and she will be with a friend for 2 weeks.
wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 23:35 last edited by
Is there a medication you can purchase OTC and then bathe/dip your dog in in your home??
wrote on 6 Feb 2009, 23:44 last edited by
not that i have found and the vet didnt say anything about buying it. Im gonna take a trip to petsmart here in a little bit and see if there is anything there.
wrote on 10 Feb 2009, 16:16 last edited by
Well I have used the benzoyl for 2 days now, going on #3. I can see some hair regrowing in some of the spots but not all. So I am praying this is going to work for her. I just hate to see her this way :(