My undergraduate degree was in geophysics with a minor in applied math. I name all my Basenjis after Indian mathematicians. My current Basenjis are Madhava of Sangamagrama (Madhava for short) and Bramagupta (Bramagupta for short). They do respond to their "short" names.
Is This a Basenji Mix?
i just got a 6 month old rat terrier mix from the humane society. they didnt know what the other part was cuz he was a stray when they found him. anyways, i was curious so i looked up different dogs and now i think that he is part basenji. he hardly ever barks, only if we put him in a kennel (which he hates, so we never do it) and sometimes if another dog barks at him. but he makes some other noises that arent bark like. he also has a wrinkly forehead. his tail is docked, but it feels kinda crooked, like if it hadnt been docked it wouldve curled
anyways, what do u guys think? -
uhhh for some reason i cant attach any photos..soo nevermind
From your avatar, I would say Rat Terrier.
I would guess Rat Terrier also
ok, i put some photos of him in an album
Rat Terrier.
Yep that's a Rat Terrier, probably purebred, and a real cutie-pie too. RTs are awesome dogs and I would like to have one myself someday.
I agree wholeheartedly, he is a Rat Terrier. I think he is absolutely adorable! What did you name him???
his names Charlie. really? u guys think hes all rat terrier? ok, i wonder why they thought he was a mix?
They may not be very familiar with breeds. I agree with Robyn he looks all Rat Terrier to me. Keep in mind that the Rat Terrier breed does have some basenji blood in it and some have a strong resemblance to basenjis.