New Basenji arriving Saturday and a few questions
She's here. After what seems to be a rough, long ride she calmed down, had a bath, ate, played for a while and now is all tuckered out and is cuddling with my wife. Man, I was shocked by how small she is. The pictures I saw from the breeder made her seem so much larger.
Another quick question, how often do you feed your puppy B? I had read three times a day and I believe that is what the purina puppy chow bag says (Yeah I know, I will wean her off that stuff as soon as possible) but I think the breeder was only feeding her once a day. For now I will go with the book and the bag and see how she does.
Thanks again for all the help, we are ecstatic to have our new pup with us.
You may encounter crate issues if it was a hard flight and she had not been a crate before shipping. Many get instant crate fear from being taken from littermates, put in a crate and then in the belly of a plane…. since they have no idea what/why this is happening
Pat, will that pass if she is given good things in the crate, or do they remember it always?
I am NOT a fan of dog parks for any breed any age and here's why:
- you do not know what diseases other dogs who go there might have.
- you do not know about the behavior of the other dogs
- you do not know the skill of owners to maintain control of their dogs
Small puppies = lunch for many breeds -
Well everything went well in the beginning. She came home played, ate, and then instantly became quite the cuddler. That all changed when it was time for bed. After reading Pat's words of wisdom I understand why but Kenya whimpered, whined, cried and then screamed blood curdling cries. She would cry for 40 minutes, sleep for an hour or so and then we would take her out to eliminate. Then the cycle would start over again. One time we took her out, she wouldn't go and then no less than 2 minutes after we put her in her crate she went #2. Let's just say it was pretty rough. But on the bright side after taking her for a short walk, feeding her, playing, and successfully having her use the sod box we created for our balcony (We live in 3rd floor condo), I coaxed her into her crate with a treat. She cried for about 5 minutes but is now sound asleep. I say that is some progress. We took her out 4-5 times last night. How often is normal for a new pup? We gave her her last meal about 8pm and stopped giving her water about 9pm; we turned in for the night about 10 or so.
On another note, she doesn't seem to like walks very much. I know she is not used to the collar and leash but when we go outside she just sits there. I read in a book not to pull her, so I try to coax her to walk. So the walk end up going in 20 foot spurts between her sitting and me coaxing her. Also she is always cold, in that she shakes alot. I live in San Diego, so while it is a little cold 45-55 degrees in the early morning, I know it is far worse elsewhere. I always swore I would never dress my dog up but if she needs a sweater I will get her one.
Remember that she has been "up rooted", lost her littermates, lost the humans that she knew since birth… so not surprising that she will have some rough patches... and not surprising that she "shivers".... It is not "cold" as much, but being nervous. She really doesn't know her new humans from beans.... Once she settles down, if she is 10wks, usually 2 during the night... until she starts to feel really comfortable, grows up a little and sleeps longer. I would guess that for at least the next week she will only sleep 3/4 hours at a time. Is her crate in the bedroom with you?
And that is the right thing to do, not pull.. coax her to walk or if she starts to move, let her take the lead... then try calling her to you and give her a treat... it takes some time before they catch on to the walk on a leash idea.
Do you know what kind of place she was raised? Had she been outdoors? Was she raised in the house? Or was she raised in a kennel situation? These will give you clues as to her reactions to things.
Thanks again for all the info.
Yeah, we had the crate in the bedroom with us near the bed; is that the right thing to do?
Speaking with the breeder, she was not in a crate situation. They were kept outdoors and brought in for socialization and bathing. So this explains a lot of her behavior.
She's doing so much better already. She took a 1 1/2 hour nap in here crate with hardly a whimper.
Thanks again for all the info.
Yeah, we had the crate in the bedroom with us near the bed; is that the right thing to do?
Speaking with the breeder, she was not in a crate situation. They were kept outdoors and brought in for socialization and bathing. So this explains a lot of her behavior.
She's doing so much better already. She took a 1 1/2 hour nap in here crate with hardly a whimper.
Yes, I have always kept mine in the bedroom at night in their crates. And you are very correct, how she was raised does explain much…. And again, I hope that you have checked out her sire and dam's situation regarding Fanconi for your own piece of mind.
I have tried checking the site but which number do I punch in? I tried both but no results were found. On her AKC registration forms I have two sets of numbers for the sire (Rambo Boy Sheu) HP13205601 (03-08) and AKC DNA #V467465 and only one for the Dam (Roxy III) HP24455802 (03-08).
The breeder mentioned specifically that the sire was tested 3 years ago and came back fine and that they do monthly glucose tests as well.
I have tried checking the site but which number do I punch in? I tried both but no results were found. On her AKC registration forms I have two sets of numbers for the sire (Rambo Boy Sheu) HP13205601 (03-08) and AKC DNA #V467465 and only one for the Dam (Roxy III) HP24455802 (03-08).
The breeder mentioned specifically that the sire was tested 3 years ago and came back fine and that they do monthly glucose tests as well.
There was no DNA fanconi test 3yrs ago, only began in July of 2007, so the sire could not have been tested using the DNA test. You use the HP13205601 and HP24455802 and if they are not showing on the OFA site, that means they have not been DNA tested for Fanconi.
Good that they strip test monthly, but all that says is that on that day, they are not spilling sugar in the urine, but could at any time. You can also check out the pedigree at
I don't see that any have been tested, as results from OFA are also sent to Sally's pedigree database.
Again, for you own peace of mind, for 65.00 do the DNA test on your pup…. -
The link to find out how to do the DNA test is
It is a cheek swab and really easy to do. All the instructions are on the site. -
What to do? So we wanted to do a test run of sort on the setup we would be using when it comes time for us to go to work and she will have to be by herself for multiple hours, 4-5+. Our idea was to put an exercise pen in the kitchen and then put her crate and the sod box that we've been using to train her along with her food and water. Our thinking was she would have her crate, room to play, and grass on which to eliminate. So we tested it with us at home. During the forty five minutes of the test, she cried the entire time and eliminated everywhere except the sod box and I mean everywhere.
We put her in her crate while we cleaned it up and she cried for the ten minutes she was there. Since then she only wants to ball up in our laps and sleep. You can tell she is afraid we are going to leave her.
It seems it was a mistake to try the pen idea so soon but at the same time we are not going to be able to be with her all the time. We both took some days off work from Friday to Tuesday but then what?
Any ideas? As of now, the only thing that is working is to let her roam around with us all day and to let her sleep on our laps; we are afraid to even leave her ten minutes to shower or go to the store as she will cry the entire time and we don't want to traumatize her.
We know she is only nine weeks old but is this normal and how have you gotten past it?
I can't give you any advice, as I have not raised puppies, but someone here will know the steps you need to take.
Hugs.. -
Yes it is normal and you have to "let her" cry it out… again, remember she may have been really traumatized from the flight, so that is going to make thing harder... but I would stick with the xpen and use the crate at night. Don't make a big deal about putting her in the xpen... just put her in, give her a treat and walk away. Walk away out of sight or even go out the door outside so that she knows you are gone... See if you can wait until she stops crying/screaming and then go back in... again, do not make a big fuss, just take her out of the pen and then I would immediately take her outside to potty (even if she did go everyplace in the pen... so that this becomes a routine... Xpen, leave, come home, out to potty..... and if she pees/poos all over, there is not much you can do... you can't correct her, as only if you catch her in the act does it do any good... otherwise she doesn't know why you are correcting her.
Thanks for the advise/ reassurance. My wife and I feel like the worlds worst parents. We know she has been through alot and we feel like we are making it worse for her.
Would this be better?
We have a hand me down crate for a large dog, 42" X 28 X 30, and we could fit both her crate and the sod box in the crate. It would provide less space for her than the X Pen but maybe make her more prone to use the sod box.
You might want to check out these b's.
They are in Ca and need homes.
Contact The Medfly Brigade Basenji Rescue
for more dogs. -
You might want to check out these b's.
They are in Ca and need homes.
Contact The Medfly Brigade Basenji Rescue
for more dogs.Did you mean to put this on a different thread? c-bus already has their pup at home…? Maybe this one?
Yes, thanks Pat. I sent this to the wrong thread.
Sorry everyone. -
I think it is normal for pups and eventually he will get past it. He is probably just scared right now and not used to anything around him. when I first got my little Lenny as a pup at 14 weeks he would scream in the crate as well, particularly at night and he even had a playmate in the crate with him. It can drive you nuts but it will get better. I used to put the crate next to my bed and literally hang my arm down and squeeze my hand into the crate so he would feel my hand touching him when hes in the crate. My arm would fall asleep but that seemed to calm him down some.
i think the xpen or larger crate, with the sod/crate inside is worth a try. I had two crates that i put together facing each other so that he's have one to lie in and one to pee/poop in if he had to. he would of course not always pee/poop in the one that i meant for him to do it in, but at least he had somewhere else to go. Except poor little Tayda (my other dog) that was in the crate with him… once i came home and knew that little Lenny had been having projectile diarreah because poor Tayda was COVERED in it. she did not look amused at ALL. Lenny hardly had a spec on him. And thus started their beautiful friendship! lol.
good luck... hang in there.... at least you know your little puppy has a healthy set of lungs! :)