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Future Puppy Pictures

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  • Coongrats…. lovely pups..

    I'll take number one... she has the white marks just like chafuko... in his neck exactly half!

  • @kiroja:

    Thanks for sharing! I can imagine your excitement, how cool! Lovely little babies, please keep sending us updates. :) It's been a while since we've seen Sue and I haven't seen Penny on the field yet, but from the results she sure has done well. And I've drooled over some lovely Pow babies myself, wish I could sneak one too! :) I bet you'll have tons of fun with your new little girl.

    Yes, I am very excited. The wait is going to be torture! Depending on the particular girl I end up with, I am seriously considering trying out showing (in addition to coursing) and seeing if both the girl and I actually like it or not. I can only have two dogs at a time in the town where I live, so this is my only chance to try it for another 10+ years (hopefully).

  • I hear you - I can only have 2 as well - when all my dogs were R&W not a problem - folks just think the dogs are indecisive - in and out - in and out. The black and White and tri are a bit of a problem and the big Podengo - oh well - I guess I can't count.

    Be sure to extend my greetings to Sue as well - been a long time since I've seen her.

  • I have a few new puppy pictures from Christmas Day.

    girl 2, girl 1, boy, girl 3

    Same order, extra cute because girl 2 and girl 3 are on their backs showing their fat little bellies.

    Close-up of girl 3. She looks like she is making herself comfortable. :)


  • LOVE the new pics. That last picture is adorable…she looks so content & comfy!

  • Pretty babies! I do so love the black and whites!

  • Pictures from a week ago. I'm going to visit the puppies this weekend. Can't wait!

    Not exactly sure who is who, except for Girl #3 (mohawk girl) but I have my guesses. I wish her mohawk wasn't shrinking, it was so cute.

    Girl 1 or Girl 2? (I think Girl 2)

    Girl 3 (mohawk girl). I wish her mohawk wasn't shrinking but she's just as cute regardless.

    Girl 1 or Girl 2? (I think Girl 1)

    Boy (I think)

    Note: Not sure why they are so big. I resized them even and they aren't changing. :confused:

  • I like girl three, her Mohawk is still cute and she has perfect "stockings" on her front legs. And the boy has beautiful face markings, very symmetrical. Of course, I love them all… :D

  • thanks for that puppy fix!

  • @bellabasenji:

    I like girl three, her Mohawk is still cute and she has perfect "stockings" on her front legs. And the boy has beautiful face markings, very symmetrical. Of course, I love them all… :D

    It looks like Girl 3 has a nice collar too. I'm really curious to see how they all turn out.

  • What super cute faces! Thanks for sharing!

  • They are all so adorable! Enjoy your visit & keep the pictures coming! :)

  • @YodelDogs:

    Pretty babies! I do so love the black and whites!

    Me too! I love them all and I wouldn't trade Cory and Jayden for any other dog but those little black and white puppies are so adorable. I told Larry just last night….We need a complete set! His reply: Have you lost your mind!!! :eek:


  • It was a long day yesterday driving down to the Chicago area (~4 h each way) and back to see the puppies but it was totally worth it. I was glad I got to see them at that age (~4 weeks) because the next time I am able to go see them is when I pick the girl up on Feb 28th. It was also nice to see the interaction of the mother with the puppies. I've never really been around a litter of young puppies before so it was amazing to watch how attentive the mother was the 2 h I was there. But I can tell she is totally going to be ready for a break in a week or so.

    Here are a few pictures from the day. I think I got all four of them in there somewhere. It was hard to keep track, they were all over the place.

    Not exactly sure which one this is. This pup is definitely going to be a camera hog. :)

    This is Girl 2. She's jockeying for alpha dog at the moment.

    This is Girl 3. She is really sweet. I know I shouldn't get attached to one quite yet but right now I hope she is the one I get.

    The puppies liked to sleep under the chair.

    Here is the boy. He is a sweetheart too.

  • Thank you for sharing - I so miss my puppy fix - it's been 6 years since I've had a litter of basenjis at MIJOKR - doesn't seem that long but poof - time flies.

  • @dmcarty:

    Thank you for sharing - I so miss my puppy fix - it's been 6 years since I've had a litter of basenjis at MIJOKR - doesn't seem that long but poof - time flies.

    Are Podengo puppies still in the future? I'm sure they'd be just as cute.

  • Nemo… too cute, thanks for sharing, and like dmcarty... I really miss having pups too!!! While I have co-bred a couple of litters, it has been 9 yrs since I had a litter here at the house.

  • Darling photos, thank for sharing.

  • Aaah.. those sleepy puppies under the chair…!! CUTE!!

  • Here are some stacked pictures of the puppies - one of which I will be getting at the end of the month. This puppy will be joining me in the first time adventure of showing. From this perspective, I'm leaning toward Girl 1 and 3. I'm curious to hear opinions.

    Girl 1, side view

    Girl 1, front view

    Girl 2, side view

    Girl 2, front view

    Girl 3, side view

    Girl 3, front view

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