Who cares if they tussle…let them sort it out and establish dominance and I think they will both calm down. I think at this point they feel like they haven't settled things. I have never seen a dog actually harm another while trying to establish dominance. Besides I'm pretty sure Riley will come out on top.
edit: As scary as it looks and sounds, its never as bad as it seems. Let them fight it out in a half saloon and then talk it over with some choc-o-late and co-co-nut.
I would rethink that statement… they can and WILL hurt each other... I can attest to that.... it is NOT a good idea, especially this time of year to just let them at it.... someone is really going to get hurt... you are kidding youself this time of year when hormones are running as high as they can get....
Even when "one" wins over the other, what can and does happen is that the "top" dog will "lord" it over the other... it the other does anything that the dominate dogs considers a threat, bang... attack... and serious damage can happen....