9:00 - Me and the wife get into bed. She-Ra joins us with her chew. We watch a movie for about an hour.
9:30 - She-Ra stops chewing long enough to come over and give us both a bath. Don't bother trying to stop her…you WILL get a bath before bedtime.
10:00 - TV's off, lights are off, She-Ra decides who gets the privilege of her company tonight, does the three-times-around turn and FLOPS right next to the person. Not even air is going to get through the gap between basenji and human.
11:30 - Cat #1 decides to join us on the bed. She-Ra growls at the new intruder who's disturbing "the pack". Alpha dog (me) grabs She-Ra and pulls her close. She-Ra calms down. Cat leaves for a safer part of the bed.
2:30 - Time for a change of venue. She-Ra goes to pester wife to let her get under the covers.
3:00 - Cat #1 decides to investigate new lump in the bed. More growling.
5:00 - She-Ra can't get comfortable so she switches between me and the wife. I'm usually up by 5:30 so we begin the morning rubdown. I'm awake, but the rubdown's put She-Ra back to sleep.
5:30 - Up with the alarm, shower, get dressed (including sock battle with She-Ra). Eveyrone's fed and I'm off to work.
8:30 - Fall asleep at desk, wondering why I ever bought a dog in the first place.