New pictures of Mia&Rocky! & a new family member!!
she was so much smaller than i expected when i picked her up from the airport… now i get her and rocky confused!!! lol i should have gotten a different color!! :)
Funny you say that because when I looked at your photos of them laying in bed together I could not tell which was which! They are so similar in color & markings that I'm sure I would have a hard time telling them apart! LOL. Maybe you should dye Mia's hair? :p Just kidding of course!
Rocky's normal face.. lol he hates being bothered when hes having "daddy time" :p
&& introducing the newest member of the family… REEF!:D
Haha….. that is one pissed off puppy.
The lizard is a uromastyx right???
I mean I have to ask is Reef short for what I think it's short for? -
Cute photos!! They are adorable. And so is Reef, I love reptiles
lol if uromastyx means bearded dragon then yes! lol hahaha idk, my boyfriend loves it.
lol and his/her name (we dont know the sex yet they have to be like a year old to tell) … he/she was actually a rescue :) my best friend in college in west virginia cant turn down an animal..
1. her and a group of her friends bought puppies off the side of the road because the man said he was gonna kill them if he didnt sell them.. the puppy (Cheif) turned out to be a rhodesian ridgeback or w/e they are called.. and is HUGE now.. lol and of course she cant have one at school so her parents have it up here.. lol
2. she rescued a snake (jake) from another friend she had there..and when she brought that home her mom said to get it outta the house! so she gave it to a family friend.. lol
3. and she loved her little beardie but she didnt have the time/funds for him (shes a chemistry major who will eventually go to pharmacy school and on a soccer scholarship so her free time is limited) Dan ( my boyfriend ) had an iguana and a snake before, and decided he would take Reef..Reef is actually named after ME! lol middle school i got the nickname Heffer.. because it sounded like Heather.. lol (odd i know) it turned into Heefa.. then megan just called me reefa after an incident in like 7th grade where my brother and his gf took me and her to the mall and did some illegal things on the drive home with us in the back seat not knowing what was going on! lol what a childhood i had... lol (my brother and i are complete opposites btw lol im the straight A student "perfect" child (as he would say) and he was the low life drug addict, hes okay now though but thats a whole nother story!)
Rockys face is always like that.. he really doesnt like being bothered.. literally within the last 2 weeks hes started letting her lay near him. lol
first time i held reef i didnt have him held tight enough.. annnnnnd he climbed up my arm into my hair.. and i havent held him since.. lol
oh and nina.. when i picked Mia, i picked her because of the fact that their markings looked so much a like! the amount of white on each leg is the same and the collar is similar.. their faces look alike except rock's more pointy nosed and shes more rounded.. i guess that idea came back to bite me.. lol :)
Haha yea sounds like it. We're planning on getting a black & white for our girl so there will be no confusion or mixups :p I still vote for dying Mia's hair…how about pink? LOL.
Mark has 2 leopard geckos & I have only held them a handfull of times because the second time I did one of them jumped out of my hands & onto the floor from me standing! It was like lizard suicide!!! I was so upset [of course he ended up fine] but I only hold them now when I am sitting & still, it's a rare event. Haha. Ours are named big boy & Andrea [after Outkast…]
lol if uromastyx means bearded dragon….........
They are different lizards. They are around the same size…. and roughly look similiar. I get them confused. Pictures below for comparison.......
…..... he was the low life drug addict, hes okay now ................
If you're refering to Marijuana when you say "drug addict" I've got to correct you.
You can not become chemically dependent on marijuana… you can with ALCOHOL, Prescreption Pills, cocaine, heroine, etc.
..... and if it was something that falls under this category I apologize for assuming. Also please keep that to yourself I don't want to pry into your business. Just want to pass on what I know.Mali Uromastyx..... /
Reef..a :) the bearded dragon….. /
Mark has 2 leopard geckos & I have only held them a handfull of times because the second time I did one of them jumped out of my hands & onto the floor from me standing! It was like lizard suicide!!! I was so upset [of course he ended up fine] but I only hold them now when I am sitting & still, it's a rare event. Haha. Ours are named big boy & Andrea [after Outkast…]
Haha just two dope boys in a cadillac…... berrraawwwiiiinnnn berrraaawiiinnnn.
Please tell me you own a cadillac ????
Haha just two dope boys in a cadillac…... berrraawwwiiiinnnn berrraaawiiinnnn.
Please tell me you own a cadillac ????
LOL. No Caddy unfortunately. My family owned one but it died last year…I own a Grand Am...not exactly the same thing :p
lol im open about his problem.. probably because it isn't mine! lol he's 7 years older than me and i don't really talk to him much.
he was addicted to more than marijuana.. and was so hooked it took him almost 2 years of methodone treatments to get off everything. hopefully he's still clean, buuuut for some reason i doubt it
and wow those lizards really do look a lot alike!! lol
What a cutie! I love the picture of her with her daddy. I can relate to that face. Trixie does that quite often! Were the devil noises being made as well? LOL
LOL ! of courseeee!!!! when doesn't rocky make those devil noises!? i really think he is a little demon. lol
One of these days I am going to have to tape the sounds she makes. It cracks me up! A little scary for other people, my mother-in-law was scared of her the first time she did it. Anymore I just tell her no and knock it off and she normally does!