OMG! What fun! So sad I missed the fun…and you...and meeting the pups and the Sisters too! Gosh, they all are so cute!
OMFG I am SOOOOOO jealous, all those babies are so cute, talk about puppy fever heaven.
That little dark brindle with the freckle on the left side of his nose (3rd pic, left top by food bowl, and 4th pic, brindle head sticking above the pile by gate) he/she is cute pup, first one to draw me in, lol.
Please tell me there's more pics to go AWE over, lol
OMFG I am SOOOOOO jealous, all those babies are so cute, talk about puppy fever heaven.
That little dark brindle with the freckle on the left side of his nose (3rd pic, left top by food bowl, and 4th pic, brindle head sticking above the pile by gate) he/she is cute pup, first one to draw me in, lol.
Please tell me there's more pics to go AWE over, lol
Maya…the one you like is nicknamed "Enrique"...as in Enrique Iglesias...because of that freckle. :D :D :D
Maya…the one you like is nicknamed "Enrique"...as in Enrique Iglesias...because of that freckle. :D :D :D
LOL, that's cute, he sure is cute, they are all adorable, but something about him just drew me in, just like baby pics of Tig did
Gary, it was great meeting you and Gail yesterday, and the two little AF pups…
That was quite a drive to visit the Af's and Us, we're gald you made the ride.
It was a pleasure to meet you, we hope you come south and visit Basenji Park this Summer!:D
It's always good to meet another Basenji Forums member, I have New England covered….we have welcome stops in Vermont and now Maine.....awesome power of this forum.......thanks for helping with all those pups!
That was quite a drive to visit the Af's and Us, we're gald you made the ride.
It was a pleasure to meet you, we hope you come south and visit Basenji Park this Summer!:D
It's always good to meet another Basenji Forums member, I have New England covered….we have welcome stops in Vermont and now Maine.....awesome power of this forum.......thanks for helping with all those pups!
Definitely count me in as a summer visitor to Basenji Park! :D :D :D :D
I'm glad you took pics, I never managed to get my camera out of the bag with all the pups running around. :D :D :D More, more…we want to see more pics...:D :D :D
I would have loved being right were the wife was in the first 2 pics, that would make my day, however leaving them would be the pits. I love those red & whites, they are my fav. and then black & whites. Actually I never saw a Basenji I didn't like, hehe!!!!
They are all so adorable!! So much fun in one room.
gotcha, we're like 15 minutes from philly in NJ! not too far.. lol
I spent many years living in Burlington Co.:eek:
I spent many years living in Burlington Co.:eek:
whooooa! lol we're RIGHT on the Salem Gloucester border.. literally less than 100 yards.. lol what a coincidence! :p