Help Please
I just got the blood drawn to send in for the fanconni test and was wondering how I'm supposed to send it. The fedex I went to said they couldn't send it because of something or other that lead to them being a Kinko's and not really a fedex. I am just refridgerating it and freezing the ice packs for now. I am going to try again monday.
Should I go to UPS or USPS and what am I supposed to tell the people at the counter as far as how to send it (other than next day of course)?
Please go to all the information that you need is there.
That doesn't answer the question about how to send it (specifically) mostly just questions aobut the test itself and the results.
I mailed mine at the US Post Office. The blood should be in a protective mailer {so it doesn't break}, and the PO folks will mark it as having "medical hazard" material or something like that.
It was no big deal. Although, I wish I had a photo of the guy's face when I told him there was dog blood in the pkg. LOL :eek: I had to explain what it was for, lest he think me some kind of weird Satanist or something. :D
That doesn't answer the question about how to send it (specifically) mostly just questions aobut the test itself and the results.
It does, you have to go to the link for the CPP program, you have to register your Basenji, then you can print the DNA submission form that has all the details on it. You can't just send the blood without him being in the CPP program. Please scroll down to "When to Test", you will find the link to the CPP (Canine Phenome Project)
I mailed mine at the US Post Office. The blood should be in a protective mailer {so it doesn't break}, and the PO folks will mark it as having "medical hazard" material or something like that.
It was no big deal. Although, I wish I had a photo of the guy's face when I told him there was dog blood in the pkg. LOL :eek: I had to explain what it was for, lest he think me some kind of weird Satanist or something. :D
If you didn't register him with CPP and use the submission form with the ID number from CPP, they were not have a clue what to do with it? Were did you send it?
It does, you have to go to the link for the CPP program, you have to register your Basenji, then you can print the DNA submission form that has all the details on it. You can't just send the blood without him being in the CPP program. Please scroll down to "When to Test", you will find the link to the CPP (Canine Phenome Project)
Sorry, I didn't mention, I have registered with the CPP and filled out all the surveys and just am having issues with the people at fedex kinkos as far as sending it.
Sorry, I didn't mention, I have registered with the CPP and filled out all the surveys and just am having issues with the people at fedex kinkos as far as sending it.
As per the FAQ's the test has been suspended at this time to dedicate time and resources for the direct test. If a direct link is not found, I believe they will start up again with the linkage test approx. late February
If you didn't register him with CPP and use the submission form with the ID number from CPP, they were not have a clue what to do with it? Were did you send it?
Oh sorry, should have been more clear. I just sent my dogs' blood to Bryan, HE sent it on for testing.
I was just replying as to where/how to physically mail the blood, not so much as related to the testing itself.
Oh sorry, should have been more clear. I just sent my dogs' blood to Bryan, HE sent it on for testing.
I was just replying as to where/how to physically mail the blood, not so much as related to the testing itself.
Me too, should have been more clear, I was really responding to etzbseder about the CPP site and submitting blood, didn't even look to see the message was from you…. ggg