@beth314 They do get too heavy, even for the sling !
Never boarded Basenji
I have a quick question wondering if anyone has had any experience with this
I'm going to AL. in March just for a long weekend to see my husband who is in the Army . My problem is only 1 of my dogs have ever been boarded Aspen and phoenix my B had never been boarded when i got Phoenix they said he was allergic to the kennel cough shot i am going to the vet next week with him so i think my vet can help with that part but the problem i am having is Phoenix is going threw a aggressive stage i'm working with him but he sometimes has an isssue with new people and will show his teeth and not back down till i jump in HE won't bite me {maybe cuz i know what to do with him when he gets like that} The place i will board them is great there not crates/ cages they get a little room to themselves with animal planet on the tv and a nice big fenced in yard. I 'll have them all toghter But what i am concered about is how he reacts to some people i don't want to board him and then have him bite someone there . Maybe i should bring him there a couple times before so maybe he'll get used to the people ??? I don't even know if they will take a dog that might bite The only one he has ever bite was my hubby }but i have to say he deserved it we where playing around and he stepped on my toe with steel toe boots needless to say i screamed and phoenix jumped up and bite him thinking he hurt me } he didn't do uch damage just a few bite marks and it healed quick but he has shown aggestive behavior to new people till he warms up to them. And where he has never been in a place like that not sure how is additude is going to be. So i was wondering if anyone has ever had to go threw this before and how it went. -
I talked to a couple of boarding places about this sort of thing and they all suggested bringing the dog to stay for a day care a couple of times.
Although you probably won't have much trouble if they share a room and not a kennel crate. They'll be together at least. -
I thought they could also give him the shot through the nose instead of a shot? Ask your vet about it.
Also I would definitely try out a trial stay overnight to see how they do. If this place doesn't work try Gemini Dogs they're in Mass & they have great trained people there. It's the only place I'll take my dogs & my little TOPAZ has issues with strangers too.
good luck!
You can get the nasel drops instead of the shot for kennel cough.. and there are different mgfs., so maybe it is just that one…? do you know what kind they gave?
I know my dogs can have different reactions to the same shots made by different companies -
I have no clue what kind it was i just remember them telling me when he got the kennel cough he swelled up
I believe they just had to give him some benadryl type stuff for a couple days and he was fine But still i don't want to have to worry about him having a worst reaction now that he's older. He's going to the vet tommrow for his checkup and rabies shot so i will see what she suggest to give him. and i also am going to take them there for a couple days before i leave just for a day trip {doggie day care} to see how well he reacts this place i take them is great VERY expensive but last time i had to board any of my dogs i felt great about it they even have a camera in the room so i could jump online and see them anytime of the day. so i'll let ya all know what the vet suggests
How about having a pet sitter come to your home instead?
They have folks who will stay in your place or come over 3 times a day.
That is what I do.
The dogs mostly sleep when we are gone.
The pet sitter walks them, plays in the house with them, feeds them…
So, they are pretty relaxed being at home.
Just a thought. -
How about having a pet sitter come to your home instead?
They have folks who will stay in your place or come over 3 times a day.
That is what I do.
The dogs mostly sleep when we are gone.
The pet sitter walks them, plays in the house with them, feeds them…
So, they are pretty relaxed being at home.
Just a thought. -
oops, sorry for the double postings
Hi Sharon
I did that before when i had my first B and cheyanne but since i know have 3 dogs and phoenix taken not to good to people at the time i think it would be worse if they come in on {his territory } also i have one dog that has severe separation anxiety so someone coming over a few times a day wouldn't be good cuz he would be barking his little head off the whole time he's alone { without a human} So really i think the only opion i have is to board them also i would feel better knowing they have somene there 24/7 incase something happens
Well an emergency came up with my Vet so we have to push the appointment back to next thursday they have other vets in the practice but She is the only one i have even seen with phoenix and she's the only one that really understands how over protective i am over him lol So i guess i will just have to wait another week to find out.
I had to make a trip to North Dakota the end of December and I debated taking my Basenji with me, having a sitter or boarding! I checked out all of the kennels in the area and talked to sitters. I really wanted to take him but the plane idea and the fact they had No Green grass showing and lots of snow ruled that out very quickly. I thought about the sitter but I didn't know of anyone that could spend enough time to watch him day and night, and I think they would have been worn out, not to mention what he would have done to my house. So I reluctantly boarded him, I called to check on him often, and the kennel assured me he has doing great and was eating well. I was so relieved until I got home. When I picked him up I was shocked how much weight he had lost and he had shredded his bed while he was there, Anyway I took him home and he was back to is normal self in about 3 days. The vet did give him the nasal med for the Kennel cough but he did not appreciate that at all. I normally take him with me all the time and he travels very well in the kennel in the back seat. I don't really want to ever board him in a kennel again, but would if it is the best for him, I think it is harder on me because I worry about him so much.
Glenn -
I use a petsitter. I found one that stays overnight so my dogs have someone in the house all night and she walks them twice a day much like what a long work day schedule would be for them. She came over and met them all prior to doing the job. I think it does help for the dogs to meet the sitter when you are at home so they know that this person is okay. We set up the entry way so it is gated off when the sitter is coming and their are treats on her side of the gate so every time she enters they are greeted with treats. She leaves a detailed report everytime she stays. The one thing she did note on her first stay was that the dogs were protective of our bedroom but other than that were fine.
I have seen and heard many awful stories from neighbors & friends who boarded their dogs. One dog got mysteriously sick and died within two weeks, another forgot house training, another got a cough (not kennel cough they told her) the owner was furious (it was her vet I think).
Its just too stressful.
I just boarded Tiggy and Reggie for one night, Reggie has been boarded before and Tiggy and him were in the same suite. They both did great and they had no problems and had no issues noted on their cards.