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NAACP Supports Michael Vick's return to the NFL

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  • My JRT's look like Basenji's lol

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    They are adorable :) Watson always gets identified as some sort of terrier. He has been a rat terrier and a toy fox terrier…
  • Where's AH #11

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    @Basenjimamma: …Oh, I want one of those generators too..they are just so darn expensive..We need them down here too, if we have a storm, our neighborhood of 25 or so homes are one of the last on the list to get our power sucks.. We do have a generator that is large enough to either run the fridge and a few lamps, OR our you have to pick your battles when the electricity goes.. Yeah, see my problem is I want the whole house automatically on when the power goes out - gone are the days when I find it an adventure! As it is, I've compromised and were only doing the first floor (including all kitchen, laundry, office, bedrooms, bath, basement - furnace, well/water) and the only thing on the 2nd floor will be the bathroom. During the ice storm last winter we lost power for 4 days. During the ice storm of 98 (?) we lost power for 17days - CNN was filming right in front of our house. :eek:
  • Where's AJ next?

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    @AJs: It's been a very long time since I read The Wizard of Oz. Is Wichita where the story starts? I googled "Dorothy's House Wichita" and nothing came up except ways to get to Liberal. That's where the house is that is advertised all over Kansas as THE Dorothy's House. From what I understand (and I have been wrong before…it could happen again) the house in Liberal is where they did some of the filming. But I love the Witch-ita reference...:D I think Dorthy's house was just considered to be a farm house "out in the middle of nowhere".
  • The Roommate's Pup

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    Me too….. and at least you can take the pro-active way.. and protect your "kids".... Kudos
  • Michael Vick Article

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    I find it disturbing that the author has such little value for life and would write an article defending abuse. No living thing should be beaten and tortured and a person who values life so little that they would do so does represent a possible harm to humans. A person who is willing to justify such behavior because "it was only property" is also scary. His comparison to deer hunting is highly flawed since it is not the hunter's intent to cause pain and torture, they strive for a clean kill and the purpose is to increase the health of the population by decreasing numbers to what the land can support since there are no longer enough natural predators to do the job. People who torture and abuse wildlife are just as wrong as those who do it to domesticated animals. The absolute worst thing about this article though is that the editor of the paper thought that it was an appropriate "sports" article. That is the section of the paper that it was published in.
  • Survey re: Michael Vick

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    I went to as HSUS 3 day weekend dealing with pit fighting. Most of the filming, I couldn't watch, and when I did, I just sobbed. These poor dogs are just treated so very badly. I won't even share what they do to them as puppies to "toughin" them up. Sick folks this group! No excuse for abuse. In my eyes, this is abuse of the worst kind.