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Behavioral Issues
  • Yes, but what about the circling? I understand the hair standing on end now, she's just aroused, but why does she circle my head? It's also not just me, she circles anyone who is lying on the floor.

  • @KaliRoo:

    Yes, but what about the circling? I understand the hair standing on end now, she's just aroused, but why does she circle my head? It's also not just me, she circles anyone who is lying on the floor.

    Could be trying to figure it out…could be trying to invite you to dogs seem to think that humans on the floor MUST mean they are interested in playing.

    I sincerely doubt, though, that she is sizing you up to eat you ;)

  • I agree that the ridge, or Mohawk, or ruff, goes up when mine are 'on alert', not necessarily related to aggression at all. But other people sometimes see it as aggression, and I try and gently explain that it just means they are very alert and excited, nothing more (most of the time, anyway!)
    Topper, Nicky and Eddie :)

  • I was suprised at just how each Basenji's hair differed in the pattern that bristles. Each of the guys and girls I'm around when their hair stands on end is completely different. I thought it was normal to just be a straight line down their backs, but some have all the hair on their shoulders stand up and none toward their tails bristles. I'm sure this is fairly common knowledge, yet it still intrigued me.

  • ruff - bristling - think of other animals in the wild - they frequently have similar behavior and are trying to make themselves 'bigger' to be dominate or to look too big to eat. (think puffer fish).

    circling on you is pretty clear ownership - just as constant licking of a person. I would suggest that however cute it may seem. it should not be allowed. If she has learned a sit/stay - (ok ok I know that mine don't know this either but somebody might) put her in that position and lay down briefly, get up and then release her from the command.

  • Now that would be amusing, if their hair stood on end whenever they were startled. The mention of a puffer fish brought that image to mind. The only time mine really circle is when they need to go to the restroom and the circle by the door.

  • and of course there is the famous - or at least in my neighborhodd it is - Poop circle - they poop and turn trying to keep a look out or see what else might be going on or….......

  • Yup. We couldn't figure out what Donge was doing or trying to look at as he circled during Obedience School. That is until he left a circle of poop. Poor guy he really tried to hold it = /

  • we call that our dogs bumble bee dance.

  • so you guys are saying that her hair is raised because she's aroused and circling to figure out whats going on?

  • I think you're Mom's on the right track. By adopting a 'submissive' pose, you're making the dog anxious. She thinks she's expected to do something, but she's not sure what. She would prefer it if you would act like a grownup, so she won't have to! What is inoccuous or meaningless to us can be very significant in 'dog culture.' Basenjis are all about the pack and have a lot of ancient customs we don't always understand. It's part of their intrigue and charm.


28 Aug 2007, 15:53

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  • "look what i can do"

    Behavioral Issues 21 Feb 2010, 13:51
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    @Mango: I can't wait to have a little B ripping around the house… guess I'm a masochist, but it does sound like a lot of fun. Yes, exactly Mango. I too await the day where the Basenji 500 takes place in my home. It should be fun - we have hardwood floors! :D
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