New update: Tika is no longer in heat! Yay! Remy got neutered and is doing great! We got a dog trainer to come in assess the situation and she thinks it is starting to improve compared to how I described it when I booked her to come. Only Maia seems to need the muzzle, she seems to be very unsure of the puppy. We are working with her to build her confidence. The puppy doesn’t seem to have any stress with Maia around and won’t start anything. The muzzle is on just in case when I am home alone as I don’t want anything bad to happen when if I can’t separate them. The puppy is getting lots of training time to help her learn how to behave properly. With 2 people here we can have the girls on short leashes and they are fine together. They did have a small altercation of snarling but no biting and no one got hurt. The older female backed down and walked away. As much as I want her to be the top dog it seems that the puppy has a much more dominant personality. If they figure out the pack hierchy hopefully everything will settle down. The trainer says there are no pack instincts in domesticated dogs, but after having 6 basenjis I can’t agree with that in regards to basenjis. We can walk the girls together without muzzles now so I think things are more positive and they seem to be improving every day. When Remy is healed from his neuter I will get the puppy spayed and hope that calms things down even further. So far there is a lot more peace in the house. Please anyone let me know if there is anything else I should be doing to keep these girls on track. Thank you for all your advice and guidance! I am so grateful for this forum as what is normal for other dogs is not so much with these guys!
Who has a basenji puppy?
etz, be forewarned that there is serious molar teething going on….
Cairo loves to chew on teething nylabones and my socks.....
Well there is quite a community of puppies here....
Please post pics of your pup so we can see them....and their weight if you know it....
I have Wyatt, a 5 month old tri-color. He is 16lbs right now. He is full of energy that I try to burn off with walks/running.
Oh, I didn't post Keoki's weight. As of last week he was 13 lbs; he is 4 mos old. Photos are posted in my section of the gallery. And he has been WAY TOO ENERGETIC
Oops, something happened.. my post send before I wanted it to.
Keoki has been a bundle of energy lately. If he is not sleeping, he's annoying the daylights out of the other two dogs, or looking for things to get into.
We have Chevy. She is 5 months old , she's cory's sister from Robyn at Sherwood Basenji's.
We have Kona, he's 5.5 months old.
I just had him at the vet and apparently he lost all his teeth…by what she says? haha
And yes, he also is EXTREMELY energetic...the weather has been cold and rainy the last few days so he has been driving his mommy nearly insane
Daisy's stats:
5 mos old on May 21st.
19 lbs
16" to shoulderHer adult front upper/lower teeth are in. Both upper canines are lost one adult has come in. She still has lower baby canine. The baby teeth seem to come out fairly quickly - don't they?
I have Zuri, she is a 4 month old Tri. She weighs in at 10lbs right now. Full of energy??? We got our first glimpse of the Basenji 500 the other night….too funny! Love our little girl!
I have a 5 and half month old little girl. She is a red/white and her name is Akili.
Goober is 14-16 weeks and more than 12 lbs. he is about 14-15 inches tall.
From the way everybody is talking your dogs are going to be big. I have Abby she is 11 1/2 mos, she is 14" and only weighs 18 lbs, I just don't think she will get bigger, her mom looks to be pretty good sized as is her dad. I don't know if she was a runt or not. Will she beef up between 1 and 2 years?
From the way everybody is talking your dogs are going to be big. I have Abby she is 11 1/2 mos, she is 14" and only weighs 18 lbs, I just don't think she will get bigger, her mom looks to be pretty good sized as is her dad. I don't know if she was a runt or not. Will she beef up between 1 and 2 years?
She will get more body, maybe….., but she is pretty much done growing..
I have found that there are several basenji body types that are common…
short and stocky, long and lanky, and the slender sleek basenjis with the almost greyhound look about them with gigantic ears. I am sure they are all variations within the breed standard, maybe some have more african blood than others.
Beta, my girl was alwasy 19lbs from 1-1/2 years through adulthood. She was a small basenji compared to the other girls she played with.
I believe boys should not weigh more than 25lbs for the breed standard. Caesar is 24lbs. and has been that weight all of his adult life.
If I remember correctly, after they are 7months or fixed they tend to look like string beans for a while or gangly teenagers. Then they start filling in or building muscle.
Cairo weighed 15.9lbs at his neuter date (almost 6months). He is still smaller than Caesar but proportioned like a mini b. All of his teeth are finally in. I have noticed that his head has gotten larger, but his chest is still small. I have also noticed that now he will eat more food than before so I expect another growth spurt is coming.
The basenji standard describes the ideal basenji, it does not have maximums or minimums in it. The general rule of thumb with height is +/- an inch. So girls should be between 15-17 inches and boys between 16-18 inches.
I dont know the actual breed data, thanks for adding it:)
and here is what I pulled off of the page about the basenji….
Basenji Breed Standard
Hound GroupGeneral Appearance
The Basenji is a small, short haired hunting dog from Africa. It is short backed and lightly built, appearing high on the leg compared to its length. The wrinkled head is proudly carried on a well arched neck and the tail is set high and curled. Elegant and graceful, the whole demeanor is one of poise and inquiring alertness. The balanced structure and the smooth musculature enables it to move with ease and agility. The Basenji hunts by both sight and scent. Characteristics–The Basenji should not bark but is not mute. The wrinkled forehead, tightly curled tail and swift, effortless gait (resembling a racehorse trotting full out) are typical of the breed. Faults--Any departure from the following points must be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault is regarded is to be in exact proportion to its degree.Size, Proportion, Substance
Ideal height for dogs is 17 inches and bitches 16 inches. Dogs 17 inches and bitches 16 inches from front of chest to point of buttocks. Approximate weight for dogs, 24 pounds and bitches, 22 pounds. Lightly built within this height to weight ratio.
The show dogs or lure coursing basenjis I have seen are extremely muscular and have been exercised to perfection….super beautiful....
My girl was light and small but very robust in her chest and rear. She was a puppymill dog and appeared to not develop properly like a normal puppy. She appeared to have been in a cage too small to stand up in.
But, she was a constant 19lbs without any chub. I always tried to keep both inbetween 20-25lbs and considered anywhere in there healthy. I like to see a narrower area behind the ribcage in the back section and keep them exercized enough to see some muscle in their back legs. That was my way of keeping them at the right weight. I never free feed my basenjis and they always eat all of their food.
Beta never had the potential to chub up but caesar could easily be a fatty if free fed, even with exercise.
I feed Cairo seperately so I can give him more food if he will eat it since he is growing.
Please keep us posted on your puppy's weights and ages so we can see what the real norm is out there....
We have Juma who is a 5 month old riot out here in Seattle.:)
The show dogs or lure coursing basenjis I have seen are extremely muscular and have been exercised to perfection….super beautiful....
Please keep us posted on your puppy's weights and ages so we can see what the real norm is out there....I had to grin at that. Jazzy won her championship, but it sure wasn't thanks to being exercised to perfection. Slept her way there, maybe. LOL And we've always struggled to keep her weight at 21 lbs. She chubs up so easily.
But of course, she IS super beautiful.Keoki is 5 mos today, and weighed in at 17 lbs. He is almost as tall as Jazzy now, and pretty lean. He's at that "all leg" point in his development.
wow really? Cairo is 6month and around 16lbs and a lot smaller than Caesar…he hasnt hit that long lanky stage yet...
anyone else around 6months and have that string bean look?
Kobey was 5 months on May 31st…. weight was 18lbs... and yes he is a little porkey... time to start to slim him to show weight.... but I would rather have a little "fat" on puppies in case they get sick... Been there, done that.....
He also had his first puppy match last Saturday and did really well, he was best opposite to best of breed....