No more bad dogs!!-Intro
Some breeds are more prone to HOD-larger breed especially. HOD (Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy)(now you know why we call it HOD) is an inflammation of the growth plates. I will post a few pics later of her when I got her for rehab and the way she is now. She had a very severe case and will never be "normal" looking. I will be entering her into obedience trials this summer as she could never be conformation show material. When Zina (that's her name-warrior) was 4 mos old the former owner noticed she had a slight fever, but took her for her needles at that point anyway (lepto,rabies,etc.). Then took her back a week later for another shot she really didn't need. The inflammation got out of control and the breeder took her back(really wonderful woman in NY with beautiful boxers). The breeder spent the next 3 mos crated with Zina taking care of her, sleeping with her, etc. Yes, she was crated the entire time because of the disorder. She couldn't walk, stand, move. When she started to get better, Denise(breeder) realized she needed to be out more. This is where I came in. Denise gave her to me and at that point Zina had been outside for approx. 10 min total time. (for her own protection-she had no immunities). Zina started running with the Basenji's within 1 day. I had a girl that was about 2 mos older than her-so it worked out well. She had no muscle tone,no ligament structure,she was hunched over (you'll see in photos) her legs basically just flopped around. Zina's come a long way-she thinks she a Basenji-she runs along the back of the couch-we call her the Boxenji.
She has a fabulous temperment and gets along well with all dogs. So I've had no problems. Also I'm alpha in my house and everyone knows it so the fighting is kept to a minimum growl. Feeding is done in separate crates so no one is allowed to check out each other's bowl and bowls are taken up when they're all done eating.
Any questions, just ask!!
Arlene:D :D
What a wonderful story for your girl. "Boxenji" I love it's great. I'm pretty sure a B will fit right in, my boxer thinks he's a cat, the cat thinks she's a boxer, and after talking to quite a few people Basenji's are my boxer and cats personality all rolled into one.
How old is your boxer girl?
What a wonderful story for your girl. "Boxenji" I love it's great. I'm pretty sure a B will fit right in, my boxer thinks he's a cat, the cat thinks she's a boxer, and after talking to quite a few people Basenji's are my boxer and cats personality all rolled into one.
How old is your boxer girl?
The Boxenji, Zina, was 1 year old on Dec 23/06. My Sugar was 1 year on Oct 22/06. So you can see they're close in age.