lol… I should post pics of my decrepid "talk to me treat ball". it's a GREAT toy until you're super smart B figures out how to wreck it....
that ring on the hole... that's actually the first to go. that thing pops off FAST, within 10 min my dog broke that piece.
then he figured out how to get the recorder out of it.... and chew that to bits, and then when you try to record anything, it just sounds like a very creepy noise because the recorder is now half busted.
then the hole where the recorder fits in is so chewed, the half broken recorder won't even fit the hole anymore. it's like jamming a square peg into a round hole now.
and the slot that you use to twist the recorder out... forget it, that's all chewed up too.
I'm actually on Talk to me Treat Ball #2.