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Rally's Pups

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  • Thank you. I am very pleased with the litter. They are all such sweethearts and are turning out nicely confomationally. Sophie is our keeper and she is a little charmer like her mom. I think we are going to have a lot of fun with her.

  • I can't believe it, they are 9 weeks old today. They head for the new homes next week and tomorrow they get to visit the Opthomalogist at UC Davis.


  • Awww you must be so sad that they're going to be leaving soon. I don't know how you can part with them. I know I wouldn't be able to do it. It's a good thing I don't breed otherwise I'd have basenji world in my house :D :D

  • @lvoss:

    I can't believe it, they are 9 weeks old today. They head for the new homes next week and tomorrow they get to visit the Opthomalogist at UC Davis.

    It's been great to watch them grow and be cute! Thanks for sharing that with us. I hope we get to see pictures of them as adults.;)

  • Aww - I've so enjoyed watching them grow. They're all keepers. Sophie does look like Rally. I hope you'll keep posting her pics.

  • They are really nice looking basenjis now, I sure will miss these weekly pics :(

  • They are beautiful and we'll miss the pictures of 2, but maybe we'll get to see them from their new owners…and of course, we'll see Sophie! Thanks again for letting us watch them grow up...

  • The pups are 10 weeks old today. The boys will be leaving for their new homes tomorrow. Chili will now be Zeke, Kinetic-Tanza Soul Delight, and Pep will be Ringo, Kinetic-Tanza Black Eyed Soul. Sophie, Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music will be staying here.


  • @lvoss:

    The pups are 10 weeks old today. The boys will be leaving for their new homes tomorrow. Chili will now be Zeke, Kinetic-Tanza Soul Delight, and Pep will be Ringo, Kinetic-Tanza Black Eyed Soul. Sophie, Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music will be staying here.

    I'm sure they're going to great homes and I'm also sure you'll miss them.

    Thank You for sharing the first ten weeks of their little lives with us… was fun.:cool:

  • They are cute indeed!

  • Oh gosh…I can't help it be a little sad :( :( that we will no longer get to see them. At least you will have one stay with you. I wonder of the boys will miss their first home??...will it be hard for them to adjust??...will their new home afford them all the comforts of their first home??...will they have companions??

    Oh man I'm very teary now :( I guess we wish Chilli & Pep all the best in their new home.

  • Both of the homes have waited over 6 months to bring home their pup. Zeke's owners have actually been waiting a year for him. Zeke will be going to a home that has 3 adult basenjis for him to play with. Ringo will be an only child for at least year. Both homes have been prepping to bring their boys home and have been asking all sorts of questions to be sure that they have their favorite ammenities on hand when they arrive.

    Though it is sad to see them go, I am always very happy to recieve updates on how they are adjusting and fitting into their new homes. It is good to see them in homes that give them the attention and pampering they deserve. You can check out the thread titled "Rally's First Litter" to see some of the pics I have gotten of them and I have had a chance to see all of them a couple of times a year which makes things easier. One reason responsible breeders are so picky about where their pups go is because they want to know how they are doing and that they are living the good life.

  • Rally's pups will surely be spoiled. How can they not? They'll be happy. Admittedly, I kinda got attached watching them grow . . . I'll miss them. :o

  • I will share pics that I get of them from their new owners. I know what it is like to get attached to them after watching them grow those first 8 - 10 weeks.

  • AWWW I'm sure you have found great homes for them. I do hope the owners do keep in touch. I try to with my breeders. YOU'RE A GREAT BREEDER MOM :D :D

  • For anyone planning on attending the Nationals this year in Livermore and Pleasanton, CA in October, we are hoping to have something of a family reunion at the African Stock Exhibition.

  • You will still get to see and watch Sophie…. she is staying with Lisa and Sam... and her B family, Mom, uncle Nick, and Auntie Rio.....

  • i am hoping to go, this will be fender's first year showing, so it is doubtful that i will have a good reason. i have always wanted to go to california, and any excuse will work. two words-road trip.

  • maybe its just me but im not seeing ANY of the pics…tear!! i bet they are sooo CUTE

  • I just got this pic from Ringo's owners and thought everyone would like to see how happy he is in his new home.


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