The Non-stop itching!
Hey All! Thanks so much for all the replies! Super helpful! Sorry I'm getting back to everyone so late.
Our pup is now 15 weeks old for those who asked. His itching started a week after we brought him home and it preceded his third vaccination.
We treated him with Advantage flea after we saw him itching so badly, so I don't think it's a reaction to that.
We live in South Carolina, so yes, the bugs are pretty thick out here and there is pollen everywhere! I'm including a picture for those who asked too. It's gotten slightly better since we've started applying Lotrimin, but he's still scratching and it will often interrupt walks, play, and eating.
oh dear! Could your pup have found a patch of poison ivy/oak? (thank you for the picture)
Perhaps treating the area with diluted ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) is worth a try. It won't hurt your pet, doesn't cost much, and you might just have what you need in your cupboard. recommends a half and half mix. -
That looks like contact dermatitis or bites since it's not in the groin or neck (can't see the armpits). Food/medication allergies will be all over, with much concentration in the areas with thinner skin. If you're saying the bugs are thick, those could be bites at those scab points. The way --mectin medications work is not by repelling, but by killing once the culprit has already bitten; they don't stop bugs from biting at all. Insect repellents for dogs are available, but be careful which you use. Some are very irritating to either their nose, skin, or both. Anyone have recommendations? If it's contact with a patch of plant, take a very close look at the foliage where he's laying down since that's where the rash is. Is it also on his legs?
@roux - I would mostly agree except for vaccines.... that can show up anywhere, which is why we separate them and none of this all at one time. We also do not give the chewables that claims to cover everything.... And often (in my opinion as an owner/breeder) not necessary.
@elbrant we haven't seen any poison ivy on our property. One thing it may be is fire ant bites. We have a lot of ant hills and its quite possible that he laid down on one. ACV sounds like it might be a good option. The Lotrimin AF has help relieve some of it to where he's not scratching himself bloody. But he's still scratching.
@nkeller89 Aw poor baby! Well Bs are smart so if he's the norm and IF those are bites/plant contact, he'll learn to avoid certain areas of your yard. I would consider possibly consulting an exterminator about the fire ants though, considering there's still a learning curve and those are possibly dangerous in large quantity.
In all this time that has passed since he first started itching, has he been taken to the same area again? Still itching? Ups and downs? Improvement? If his movement, diet, medication, and skin are tracked closely enough every day/hour, there should be a definite answer as to why this is happening. Though of course I am not a vet! A good vet will be the biggest help! -
@nkeller89 said in The Non-stop itching!:
it may be is fire ant bites.
(I'm across the state line in NC)
I don't think its' fire ants ... because doodle will fuss immediately if a fire ant "gits her" and I have to rescue her by dusting them off. Also, fire ant bites leave little pustules, like zits that hurt, and I'm not seeing those. hmmm... I'll let it sit in the back of my mind and see if I can think of another environmental exposure that might produce that kind of reaction.@roux said in The Non-stop itching!:
consider possibly consulting an exterminator about the fire ants
Bless you... if only Orkin could eradicate fire ants. Unfortunately, these little devils snuck into America almost 100 years ago and there's really no way to tame the population growth. Grits work pretty good, if you can spread them during a dry spell. Once it rains and the grits swell, your just feeding them.
@elbrant LOL you're right, I have 0 experience with eradicating ants! Taipei doesn't have fire ants hahaha though the huge flying roaches are a big problem and apparently cause Roux to have diarrhea if she eats one (I NEARLY HAD A FIT WHEN I SAW THIS) so thank you for the clarification!
Hopefully y'all get down to the reason!