My undergraduate degree was in geophysics with a minor in applied math. I name all my Basenjis after Indian mathematicians. My current Basenjis are Madhava of Sangamagrama (Madhava for short) and Bramagupta (Bramagupta for short). They do respond to their "short" names.
Has Anyone had a Basenji this vocal?
So this isn't my video nor is it my dog. But I'm curious and I want to ask breeders and folks who have owned several Basenjis. Have you ever had a dog this vocal? My goodness, I wonder what's bothering her
I had one who vocalised in the ring. He was eventually dual champion, GB/IR, but he taught himself to recognise those red rosettes indicating a class win. And you could almost pick out the syllables 'Yes, I was clever. Yes, I got a red !'
It wasn't a crow or a yodel, it was positively syllabic - conversational almost.
The Basenji in the video is vocalising exactly like all my boys have done over the years - mostly at 2 in the morning when they wanted sex.
As soon as the girls showed any signs of seasons, the boys were banished to a des-res (desirable residence) up in the orchard with access to walks in a completely different direct to that followed by the girls who remained in the house.
I put a nursery alarm into the large garden shed we used as a kennel on these occasions so as to share the pain of the rest of the village. . .
It was a relief when the girls dried up and the three boys came back into the house. Not only for me but for all the neighbours !
@rhughes89 said in Has Anyone had a Basenji this vocal?:
Have you ever had a dog this vocal?
Oh yes! My boy Sunny would vocalize on cue, and even if you picked him up he would continue until he was done. I have video somewhere of him howling while being held upside down.