There is a whole world out there . We lived in Hawaii when we got ours. N.Z for $2,000 He was worth it. Most of the cost was the air fare.
Looking for Male or Female Basenji Puppy (US - Anywhere)
We are located in the US and looking for a Red Basenji puppy. Location doesn't matter. We are happy to drive and pickup or ship.
Go to and you can search by state. When speaking to responsible breeders they will ask questions on why you think that a Basenji would be a good fit for your family/lifestyle. Don't be put off by that as breeders want to place their pups in the best homes... it is NOT about the money. You need to research and verify health testing for yourself don't just take someone's word for it. While we are planning a litter this year, we have reservations already for the possible pups, but visit our website and you can see links for health testing. These are public knowledge and we encourage people to always check this out for themselves. If you look at our planned breeding you will see links to their health testing. I would also suggest that if you find a breeder that you are comfortable, be open to other colors... some goes for sex
What area of the U.S. are you from?
I think Tanza is spot on. Not sure where you are, but the Basenji Nationals are in Tucson in November. Assuming it's possible, I can't think of a better way to find a good breeder than to attend.