Bimmy's favorite spot….
Anubis has a heated blanket and she won't move from it. They sure like warmth!
Talk about favorite spots, lol.
Talk about favorite spots, lol.
Too cute! Basenjis sure do like to get comfortable.
Lovely pictures of Bimmy by the fire and also from Mrbaroo and Bitty
LOL heat seekers. Yep, wake me in the spring.
Photoshop some holly or stockings onto the mantle, and that's a beautiful Christmas card!
Awww mine sleeps under my blankets in bed and now that it is getting colder outside he has been sitting next to heaters. I had to buy him a sweater since he was shivering for about 2-3 days!! I will have to take a picture once if he sits beside my fire place!!
Since it started snowing here (Mid-Oct) they have not left the wood stove unless it is feeding time or they are forced to go outside to go potty, or Tucker has to go out and chase the squirrel. They will be permanent fixtures there until around mid-may!
I came home from work one day when it was cold and all they had was the furnace for heat. I thought I would do a few things first before I made a fire. Becca watched me walk away from the fireplace and let out a loud Barooo as to say, 'Hey! Mom! don't you know we are freezing?? and there is no fire!!' So I made a fire first, then they were very happy.
Becca watched me walk away from the fireplace and let out a loud Barooo as to say, 'Hey! Mom! don't you know we are freezing?? and there is no fire!!' So I made a fire first, then they were very happy.
That's the beauty of a gas fireplace! Flick a switch, and it's on. I struggled with wood and actually heated my whole house with a wood stove "back in the day", but I wouldn't care to do it again. So nice not to have to split kindling, heat the chimney to prevent back drafting, and take out the ashes! My calendar shot of Perry, pretty much his favourite position all winter. :)
The things we do for basenjis :). Gotta love them!